Vino: 2015 Seaside Cellars Pinot Noir

Winemaker on a Budget
Winemaker on a Budget
2 min readJul 19, 2018

Bodega: Seaside Cellars
Goods: Pinot Noir
Locale: South Island, New Zealand
Booze Factor: 12.5%
Fare: $4.97
Whereabouts: Costco
Yea or Nay:

Scoop: I really wanted to like this wine. $5 (down from $9.97) for a drinkable Pinot Noir is A-OK in my book, but as soon as I opened it I knew I was not going to be happy. You’ve probably heard the phrase “Stinky Pinot” as some Pinot Noirs have that old French stinky aroma to them and many people like it. Not me. I told myself not to judge until I try it a bit and by the second glass, I had to force myself to get it down.

I was so put off by its aroma I had a really hard time judging the wine on its mouthfeel and merit. It’s just nowhere near in my mind what Pinot Noir should smell or taste like.

On a plus side, the bottle packaging is cool. Love the red and white striped enclosure and screw-tops are the new craze, which I also prefer these days. The wine also has a great typical Pinot Noir color, but that’s where it all ended for me. What I’m really shocked about is Wine Spectator rated this wine a 90! No way!

If you are into stinky Pinot’s. Give this a try. If not, save yourself 5 bucks and try something else. I imagine that Costco has received some feedback on this wine and that’s why it went from $9.97 to $4.97, but who knows. I bought two bottles of this so I’ll comment back if I find out the first one was by chance a dud. I really hope I have to eat my words.

Until next time…

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Winemaker on a Budget
Winemaker on a Budget

I'm Scott, and I used to be a winemaker. This space is about finding great wines that don't cost an arm and a leg.