Wish is Hiring Growth Market Managers!

Nicola Azevedo
Wish Engineering And Data Science
4 min readAug 14, 2018

The Wish app, although started in the United States, is global by design and is now utilized in 70+ countries! We know that different markets around the world have unique needs and aim to make our customer experience as customized as possible. That’s where our growth market managers come in.

What is a Growth Market Manager?

I’m the current Brazil growth market manager at Wish. My job is to take the growth team’s programs — App Store Optimization (ASO), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), messaging, and others and localize those for Brazilian consumers (more information on Wish’s growth team efforts can be found here).

Day-to-day, I examine key metrics, such as conversion, retention, revenue, and customer satisfaction, in order to prioritize the actions to be taken in my region. From there I collaborate with other members of the growth team to decide on actions or experiments that could be implemented to better serve my market and how to test them.

Making adjustments to serve a particular region really takes Wish’s service to the next level. Even the smallest of changes can compound into very significant gains in the future.

My favorite projects

Some of my favorite projects have to be the ones related to top-funnel experimentation on the app stores. These are the places where we have the unique opportunity to tell new users what Wish is all about. And there are multiple elements to play around with. We want our users to know that Wish is available to them, and that certain conveniences have been added for their market (e.g. in Brazil’s case, local payment options) so that they can shop as easily as possible. Given how large our user base is, even a 1% increase in conversion is a huge improvement.

Implementing our order confirmation and shipment flows on WhatsApp

It is also important to understand which companies are necessary to partner with in our strategic markets. A recent project that I enjoyed was bringing some of our post-sales transactional messages into the WhatsApp Business solution. As a messaging app that nearly every Brazilian uses daily, it’s super meaningful in the country, and is now an important messaging system for Wish globally. Now the user doesn’t have to detract from their interactions with their friends and family to check the progress of their Wish orders — it integrates seamlessly into their life.

Other projects I enjoy are related to logistics, because they’re incredibly challenging! Moving products tens of thousands of miles entails maneuvering customs, door-to-door time, last mile delivery, mainstream visibility, and several other demands. If you can succeed in solving a logistics problem, it is hugely rewarding in that it creates a stronger trust with our customers.

What I like about Wish is that we have an incredibly intelligent multidisciplinary team that bands together to improve every single step ranging from ideation to execution. Our growth team is a diverse blend of data scientists, engineers, designers and marketers. I can start with a simple idea to address a pain point in my market and it will evolve pretty quickly given the great contribution from other team members.

What does it take to be successful as a Growth Market Manager?

I think through the flow as a consumer every time I approach a problem. I ask myself, what would make things more convenient for me in going through the discovery/onboarding/shopping /purchasing processes?

Additionally, I iterate new ideas as quickly as I can. I won’t know for sure if an idea I have is good or not until I implement it and get it out into the market. Then the consumer can tell me what works for them.

Lastly, not being afraid to fail has been important. There are things that I thought would make the app more intuitive that did not work, and that’s okay. In constantly trying to reinvent the app, a lot of things are not going to work and you just move on to the next idea. The true failure would be staying stuck on an idea that didn’t work and not continuing to learn, grow, and adapt.

My favorite part of the job

My favorite part of my role has to be experimenting. It’s fun to come up with an idea and see if it works or not. You can’t wait to get the problem solved! If an idea doesn’t work, you try again with something else. Millions of potential shoppers and daily active users means lots of opportunities for experimentation. You just have to put your ideas out there and see what happens.

We are looking to hire more growth market managers to further customize the Wish experience. If you’re interested, check out our current job openings at www.wish.com/careers!

