Submitting to WITCHES RISE

Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2016
Photo by Cliff Johnson

The Quick & Dirty
We’re open for submissions. Basic requirements: you must have a Medium profile with a profile image, a value on critical thinking & anti-oppression, and a desire to help build this community. Your work must reflect the major themes of witchcraft and social equity. We will consider previously written work or new work. Please do not send us a link to your blog and ask us to read it to see if we’d be a good match. :)

Read the rest of this page and if you think you’re a fit, get in touch here, on Twitter, or via email!

What We Aim to Do
WITCHES RISE seeks to elevate the voices of feminist writers who identify as folks of color, queer, genderqueer/non-binary/gender independent, trans, disabled, poor, and/or fat/plus size, who have a desire to write at the intersections of social equity and witchcraft, paganism, animism, the old ways of any landscape, or merging the old with the new respectfully and authentically. We denounce racism, sexism, classism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, body-shaming, and other forms of discrimination while acknowledging that these are all deeply ingrained into Western culture on a social and economic scale. We seek to address that witchcraft and paganism are also rife with them.

One day, we hope to be able to pay our writers — but sadly, today is not that day. We are considering ways of fundraising for the publication (if you have any solid suggestions, send ’em our way!) but for now, we are two freshly-graduated therapists and an independent mentor just keeping our own heads above water. We encourage our writers to add digital tip jars, Patreon links, or other donation links to the end of their pieces in hopes that readers will financially contribute for what our writers provide.

What We Want Our Writers To Do
We challenge our writers to dig deep into the uncomfortable territory that unites the realities of society and with those of keeping a craft. We don’t care how many years you’ve been practicing or how many distinctions you have with your name; we care how authentic your connections to yourself, your society, and your craft are. We care about the ways you investigate yourself and injustice in the world. We want you to write from a place of personal experience and anecdote rather than the broad, sweeping generalizations about “ancient” pratices often seen in the New Age sphere today.

What We Want To Publish
The possibilities are endless. We’re looking for: rituals, spell work, personal narratives, recipes, book reviews, tarot or oracle reviews/readings, prose, poetry, recipes, historical pieces, and more.

What We’ll Do
As editors, we reserve the right to provide feedback on a submission, edit for spelling and grammar before publishing, and add a copyright-free image to the header of your piece so that it fits with the aesthetic on the home page. Finally, we reserve the right to add “WITCHES RISE” to the list of your story’s tags. You retain all the rights to your work and we will never copy it without attribution.

Got a piece but not sure it fits? Email us to get some clarity!

Our first digest, with the theme of PROTECTION, can be found in the archives with the word PROTECTION at the beginning of each post. We are debating whether or not we want to continue with themes; in the meantime, we’re accepting rolling submissions of any theme.

Hit us up with any other questions you may have at:

Thanks for reading!

Gwynne, Bri & Nicole




Queer witch writer & artist. Unapologetic wildling. Mental health maven. A little non-binary. Into the unconscious & the uncomfortable.