3 Positive Aspects of Working with Intrapreneurs

Wolox — English
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2015

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My experience at Wolox involves, among other things, working in very diverse projects. For those of you who do not know, at Wolox we develop entrepreneurs’ ideas into web and mobile products. This implicates working with clients that may be very different from one and other. Some were or are being accelerated by an organization, some could get funds by winning a contest, or some others are directed by Intrapreneurs: leaders of projects owned by big companies.

The first time I worked in an intrapreneur’s team, I thought our interactions were going to be much more bureaucratic and that we would lose the close relationship we usually have with our clients.

What do I mean by “usually”? When we start a new project, a technical team specifically designed for the client is created. We, developers, work side by side with the entrepreneur or intrapreneur, we keep constant communication with them and we are also available to resolve any concern or issue they may have.

After the first meetings with intrapreneurs, I realized that, although they work at a big company to which they have to report, these people are entrepreneurs.

Being an entrepreneur involves having a certain mindset. It is about having the will and desire to start something new and work hard for it to grow and thrive. I believe that everyone who fits this profile and takes part in these types of projects is an entrepreneur, be it an actual entrepreneurial project or a project for a big company.

At Wolox, these are the type of clients we want to work with. Whether they are small startups or projects supported by big companies, they are all positive experiences.

These are some of the advantages of working at intrapreneurial projects:


As they are backed by a big company, they do not have a pressing need to get funding to support the startup. Intrapreneurs can focus their efforts on improving their products instead of investing time and energy in obtaining funds to support themselves.

Market Knowledge

I am surprised at the level of specialization and knowledge they have as regards the niche in which they are getting involved. They are aware about the users needs and therefore know what the product should include. This is so because, generally, their new products are part of, or close to, their field of expertise.


I did not find any difference between an entrepreneur’s motivation and that of an intrapreneur.

What is it that motivates intrapreneurs so much? I think their extra motivation comes from getting out of their routines to start a new project. This is why I consider proactiveness one of the key traits that an entrepreneur should have, because they encourage and motivate the people they work with in a positive way.

It is a good thing that there are as many entrepreneurs as there are intrapreneurs. They all deserve an opportunity in the business world. Each one of them works hard in a more or less hostile environment while always looking for ways to grow. They create work, open ways to new niches, generate new local products and, one of the most important things is that they promote the entrepreneurial spirit!

Posted by Juan Pablo De Lorenzo (jpdelorenzo@wolox.com.ar)


