What you need to know: Dungeon Master Season 9

Adrian Krion
Wombat Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2023

Dear Dungeoneers,

What a blast! Season 8 was the biggest Dungeon Master Season so far with:

  • A new record in players; over 37000 people have played Dungeon Master last season
  • A new record in rewards; we added over $25k in prizes in $WOMBAT tokens as an extra incentive
  • A new record in newly minted NFTs; over 200k NFTs have been minted in the dungeonitems collection

After our huge announcement right in the middle of Season 8, things are a little bit slower at the beginning of Season 9, but we still have some important news and things to share!

Mining Power movements

In order to make the changes in the Mining Power updates more transparent, we want to announce a few changes here.


  • grannysmagic MPs are effectively all being halved
  • Any weedborncoun with 450 MP have been reduced to 225, any with 225 MP have been reduced to 111
  • futuresrelic has been reduced by 30% on average since there have been many templates that got overminted for high MP


  • We’re adjusting some of the older DM Season packs to fit the MP they deserve based on their age, e.g. Standard Pack — Season 3
  • Some EOS-based collections including Womplay collections are getting slight buffs of up to 20%
  • The corpworldhel collab NFTs are receiving a buff of 20% on average
  • The byronartset1 collab NFTs are receiving a buff of 20% on average

Gold Extractors and Gold Aggregators on EOS

We’re enabling “beams” of Gold Extractors and Gold Aggregators from WAX to EOS as of now. If you want to exchange your WAX-based Extractors and Aggregators for EOS-based ones, send them to wombatredeem with your EOS account as a memo so we can provide you with the respective asset on the EOS blockchain. We’ll be checking for incoming WAX-based Extractors and Aggregators twice a week and send those respective EOS-based NFTs to you.

The Golden Key

The Golden Key is redeemable as of now. Send a Golden Key to wombatredeem now in order to become the Overlord for Season 9. The first Golden Key sent will get the rights to be the Overlord. Any keys redeemed after that will be sent back or applied for the next season.

Help All

The “Help All” feature will be available for purchase for 1000 $WOMBAT as an alternative to the 5000 Karma.

New Wombatiums

Any new Wombatiums which will be made available in the in-game Shop will incur a small “minting fee” in $WOMBAT in order to help stabilize their economics. This fee will initially be between 50 and 100 $WOMBAT, depending on the overall material price for the Wombatium.

The existing Wombatiums in the shop will not be subject to the minting fee in Season 9, but might be affected at a later stage.

A few new Wombatiums will be added inside and beyond the Shop, including new Wombatiums on EOS:

  • Fusion Wombatium (EOS) — will allow to blend Gold Wombatiums for Platinum Wombatium and be exclusively available via AtomicHub. Fusion will have 200 MP
  • Platinum Wombatium (EOS) — will be blendable from 3 Gold + 1 Fusion Wombatium and have 3500 MP
  • Dust Wombatium (WAX) — will be available from the Shop for 15 Gold + the new minting fee of 50 WOMBAT and will have 500 MP
  • Scrap Wombatium (WAX) — will only be available to blend for via a new Neftyblocks blend for 15 arbitrary items from the dungeonitems collection; 50 MP
  • Spike Wombatium (WAX) — can be blended from 1 Dust + 2 Scrap + 1 Fortune Wombatium; 1500 MP

New items

We’re working on a new editition of items (“Zeta”) with the remaining slots in Set 4 (Light, Bag, Top, Amulet). We plan to do a first drop of those items around mid-season.

Well of Wealth rewards

The depth of the Well of Wealth remains unchanged at 380m, but we’re adding additional reward layers, specifically with materials and contribution rewards. We’ve also removed the Blossom Wombatium from the “left side” of the well because of a severe overmint of the Wombatium.

On the “right side” of the well, we’ve also added a few reward layers with more NFTs, more contribution and materials, but removed the Gold Item Medium Pack.

Last but not least: Christmas Hats

Christmas hats will stop giving a Contribution boost in Season 9. Instead, they will become stakable for MP, 5 MP for Level 0, up to 1000 MP for Level 5.

Sidekicks and Collabs

We’re looking for creators to do additional sidekicks and collaborations with us. If you’d like to do a collab or sidekick with us, please use the following links:

Join the Wombat Family!

Our team and other community members will be happy to discuss all things blockchain gaming, NFTs, blockchain, games and whatnot. Come say hi on:


