Go to Women in Communications & Technology
Women in Communications & Technology
Helping women advance their careers and thrive in the Communications and Technology Industries in Canada.
Note from the editor

Helping women advance their careers and thrive in the Communications and Technology Industries in Canada.

Go to the profile of KSD (aka Karen Schulman Dupuis)
KSD (aka Karen Schulman Dupuis)
Business Designer. Connector. Shift Disturber. Intrapreneur. Speaker. Teacher. Elephant Hunter. Polymath. @karensd http://www.womendisrupted.com
Go to the profile of laurie hause
laurie hause
Chief Information Officer & Director of Marketing McKenzie Lake LLP / Chair for WCT Regional Board.
Go to the profile of laurie hause
laurie hause
Chief Information Officer & Director of Marketing McKenzie Lake LLP / Chair for WCT Regional Board.