Go to Women in Computing Newsletter
Women in Computing Newsletter
This blog is targeted to 9–13 year old girls who are interested in the amazing work we can do with computers. It discusses trends and activities and is sponsored by Next Century Corporation. More information at https://nextcentury.com/wcd/
Note from the editor

This blog is targeted to 9–13 year old girls who are interested in the amazing work we can do with computers. It discusses trends and activities and is sponsored by Next Century Corporation. More information at https://nextcentury.com/wcd/

Go to the profile of Laurian Vega
Go to the profile of MaryLynn Reed
MaryLynn Reed
Human factors engineer with a passion for design. Happily working at Next Century Corporation.
Go to the profile of Chris Stepnitz
Chris Stepnitz
A software architect who loves software, science, plants, and books. To get alerted every time I post a new article, follow me on Facebook!
Go to the profile of Michael Smolyak
Go to the profile of Rebecca Butterfield
Go to the profile of Sophie Kim
Go to the profile of Sophie Kim
Go to the profile of MaryLynn Reed
MaryLynn Reed
Human factors engineer with a passion for design. Happily working at Next Century Corporation.
Go to the profile of Chris Stepnitz
Chris Stepnitz
A software architect who loves software, science, plants, and books. To get alerted every time I post a new article, follow me on Facebook!
Go to the profile of Kim Bonnette
Kim Bonnette
Tech geek, adjunct prof. of Computer Science, Sunday School teacher, writer, amatuer policy wonk, and self-advocate for mental health/illness and LGBTQ+ issues.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Butterfield