From Layoff To Liberation

Navigating professional uncertainty as a creative woman in tech

Elishah Virani
Women in Technology


Photo by Dinh Ng. on Unsplash

This Friday marks exactly 50 days since I was laid off from my tech job and that time has moved quickly on some days and far slower on others. But no two have looked exactly the same. As a creature of routine, I wondered if losing structure for eight hours a day would negatively affect me, but the results have been quite the opposite.

I feel the difference the moment I wake up in the morning. Long gone are my days of setting alarms for work and begrudgingly pulling myself out of bed. Now, I let my internal clock decide how much sleep I need each night, and I wake up feeling more rested despite still being up early. I’m not immediately overcome with anxiety around my to-do list and scheduled meetings; I’m not tossing and turning all night nor am I dreaming about work.

My mind floats to far more creative places as slumber engulfs me. Sleep has become a channel for inspiration as my fantasies direct storylines in my dreams. Going to bed feels more like a privilege than a necessity these days. I relish the feeling of tucking myself under the covers at night and rolling around as the first rays of sunlight hit my face in the morning.

From that point on, my day belongs to me. I can choose how I want to spend my time and what…



Elishah Virani
Women in Technology

Storyteller | Certified Life & Writing Coach | Data Analyst | Activist