How the Impossible Becomes Possible — an (Unexpected) Real-Life Miracle

It’s not up to us if we don’t want to.

Bettina Ramm
Word Garden
5 min readFeb 7, 2024


© Verónica Díaz Delgado / CANVA

Today is day 25 of 90 days to create the impossible.

But instead of sharing my progress or failures with my current project (which tends to change constantly day by day, or even minute by minute), I’d like to share what I’ve seen about how miracles happen if we allow it.

Because we can’t achieve the impossible — that’s simply impossible 😏

But we can co-create it with the power of life at our side. We can let Spirit do the heavy lifting for us.

In 2017 I had two riding accidents.

The second one was somehow traumatic. I fainted and when I woke up I didn’t know where I was anymore. I was taken to the hospital, but as I was on holiday abroad, nobody spoke German (my mother tongue). Only one doctor was able to communicate in broken English.

I was afraid I might have brain damage or damage to my spine.

But fortunately, everything was alright. I’ve just had a little shock.

This “little shock” grew into fear

After this event, I could no longer ride the way I used to.

I had lost my trust in horses — and in myself and my ability to ride.

Over time it didn’t get better, it got worse and worse.

So, some months after my accident I decided not to go to riding school anymore.

But I felt with absolute confidence that my story with horses wasn’t over — it’s just begun.

A friend of mine asked me one day later if I wanted to take care of her horse. I said Yes. For the next two years “Kimbery” helped me to find back to trust and courage. That alone is a little miracle.

How my impossible dream was born

In 2019 I decided it was time to learn how to drive a carriage — just for fun.

I’d already driven carriages in my teenage but that was long ago 🧓

So I did a little research and was more than pleased that there was a course on a Tinker stud named “Kannenburg” one driving hour away from my home.

Tinker is the colloquial German name for Irish Cob horses.

While on holiday in Ireland a few months after my accidents I realized how much I’ve loved this breed since I’d first heard about it (and seen one).

During the course, I had the chance to learn and experience why I loved these horses so much 😍

Irish Cob horses are amazing. They are beautiful, smart, and have strong nerves. They radiate calm, but can also really go crazy.

I wanted exactly such one!

And I wanted it from “Kannenburg”!

That was really impossible, because …

This small private stud farm only had one foal every year.

Every foal was sold as soon as it got old enough to be divided from its mother (some months).

I didn’t want a foal.

I wanted an adult horse to drive a carriage.

But all the adult horses from this stud farm weren’t to be sold. They stayed there until they’d grown old.

It was impossible.

I accepted that. But something in me wanted it anyway.

But nothing that we can dream of is impossible

By the end of 2019, I felt without a doubt my time with Kimbery was over. I knew it was time to get my own horse.

So I began to search.

I found some Irish Cobs but none of them fitted my demands. Too small, too old, wrong color 😂

After canceling another viewing appointment, I decided that it wasn’t the right time yet and stopped the search.

Only some days later I found him (or he found me? 😉):

“Charismo von Kannenburg is searching for a new home” was the ad.

I couldn’t believe it.

He was everything I wanted: The right size, the right age, and an amazingly black color 🤩

Charismo 😍 Photo: Bettina Ramm

When I visited him for the first time, I immediately felt that he was the right fit for me.

He had some behavioral problems and my daughter advised me not to buy him (especially because of my accidents). But even though I usually listen to her when it comes to horses, I made my own decision here.

And that was exactly the right thing (not easy all the time, but it was what I needed to find back into my self-confidence).

Why is that a miracle?

Now you may say — but wait a minute, how is that a miracle?

I’ll tell you.

Not only because I found this Kannenburg Tinker although I thought there would be never-ever one to buy.

It’s also that I found this exact match although I wasn’t really searching anymore. That’s why I sometimes say he found me.

The ad app showed him to me exactly at the right time. Kannenburg was written in the title — so I couldn’t overlook him.

And, one more: I originally wanted to buy my horse in April. It was just January. January 2020. You remember?

In April there would have been no way to buy any horse. January was absolutely the right time for this little miracle.

I should add that after my decision everything fell almost magically into place. Everything was easy going and flowing. Only 4 weeks later Charismo arrived at his new home.

Next week we celebrate our 4th year! Yes, the time together wasn’t ever easygoing and flowing 😂 We had our ups and downs (sometimes more downs than ups) but I’ve never regretted my decision and I wouldn’t give him away anymore.

The moral of the story

If it’s to be — it’s not up to you (if you don’t want that) but you will receive all the guidance and support you’ll need.

And if you want something from the bottom of your heart the universe will move heaven and earth to make it possible.

BUT — you need to go out of the way. As long as you think it’s up to you, it will be.

With love,
Bettina 🌞



Bettina Ramm
Word Garden

Create the life (and business) of your dreams. I write about inner guidance and how to use it to find your unique way to lazy "feelgood" success.