How to have a great month on Medium?

Stats on February — Earnings, Events, Achievements, Milestones

Lucian Ioan Chirilă
Word Garden


Medium February stats
Created by the author using Canva

The extraordinary achievement is when the progress you have made overwhelms you!

And the progress I have made in February did it.

I said January was the best month, but I lied, haha!

Without any boring words, let’s see what stats describe the month of February!

Audience stats

In February, I got 426 more followers and 16 more subscribers, which makes a total of 1010 followers and 44 subscribers at the end of the month.

Medium audience stats
Screenshot by the author

I can see someone unsubscribed, haha!

As you know, I don’t do anything special to have more followers. I only write and engage.

I don’t worry too much about the number of followers. I am confident it will keep increasing.

Story stats

I almost doubled the number of articles from the last month. In January, I posted 17 stories…



Lucian Ioan Chirilă
Word Garden

Editor of Close to Perfection Publication. Husband and father of two, I write about Medium, Writing, Relationships and Gaming.