We need to bring shame back

Adam J. Blust
Words Mean Things
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2023


Photo by Mike Kilcoyne on Unsplash

It’s exhausting to be alive right now.

Everything feels very apocalyptic.

One of the biggest reasons for this crisis is the absolute avalanche of shamelessness we have been buried under for years now.

As I’ve written about before, the advent of trump has meant, among other horrible things, that every racist, sexist, xenophobic moron has felt empowered to let their freak flag fly.

When before they would suppress their worst thoughts and instincts, at least in public, now they do the opposite. They shoot their guns and shout their nonsense into our ears 24/7.

It’s deafening.

The racists have always been there. But now they are emboldened to call a district judge the n-word on tape and threaten to assassinate her, because she has the temerity to challenge their orange savior.

The sexists have always been there. But now they openly speculate that women are the cause of every evil in society, and it’s clear that the 19th Amendment, which gave women the vote only a century ago, was the greatest miscalculation in American history and should be repealed. This sentiment is echoed by conservative women.

The haters have always been there. But now they call every Democrat a “groomer” or a “pedophile” reflexively, and openly…



Adam J. Blust
Words Mean Things

Writing memoir and memoir-adjacent stories. Hoping that exploring the past will illuminate the future. “How’s that working out for you, being clever?”