A Closer Look at Jordan Peterson’s IQ

Martin Rezny
Words of Tomorrow


My fairest attempt to evaluate the strongest arguments of the IQ-ists


I may have already dabbled in criticizing IQ testing once or twice, but recently, I have been watching a lot of Jordan Peterson’s lectures, and I have to say, I have a better idea now why so many psychologists have such high confidence in IQ — the science of it isn’t unintelligent.

Ignoring for a moment my previous arguments about the intellectual narcissism and racism connected to the concept, multiple types of intelligence probably existing, and that it isn’t clear what’s being measured here even if something real is definitely being measured, there may be more subtle, complex, or potentially deep problems with how the IQ testing data is being measured and interpreted that deserve to be questioned.

I recommend watching this Peterson’s video first, as it sums up his view:

There is a number of interesting findings that Peterson keeps mentioning, chiefly that it is illegal for the U.S. Army to enlist anyone with IQ below 85. The…

