*Heavy Breathing*

Mark Cicoria
Work Together
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2015


Soo meh… neh… new features. We made… them… for you!

New features and updates from the team at WorkingOn.

It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly a year since WorkingOn was released into the wild. Since then, we’ve been hard at work building a team, listening to your feedback, and improving the product. It’s no wonder why this past year has been spattered with oodles of ramen, Red Bull, and sleepless nights. It’s been quite the marathon so far.

We’re still well within the first leg of that marathon, but we’ve already had the pleasure to work with a wide variety of teams extending from the financial sector, to media companies, to game studios, to marketing and digital agencies.

In August, we shared a boatload of new features. Today, we’re excited to kick off the next chapter of our story with another set of improvements.


Through the Activity page, as well as our many chat integrations, we strive to keep your team in the loop. From time to time, you may crave a little more insight into where you or a particular team member made progress. This is where individual profiles come in.

Here you can travel through time and see a complete breakdown of a person’s task history. We even added time estimation so you can quickly identify which tasks took the most time.

You can access a teammate’s profile page by clicking their picture on the Activity page. To view your own profile, simply go to the Profile navigation link, located in the upper righthand corner of WorkingOn.

Note: You’ll need to be signed up and logged in. If you don’t have an account, you can get one here.

Profile Pictures

We’ve heard you and we agree: uploading a profile picture shouldn’t be a pain. We now directly support uploading a custom profile picture. You can change your profile picture by heading to the Settings page and clicking on your existing (or non-existing) photo.


Quickly find what you are looking for with WorkingOn’s new search feature, conveniently located on both the Profile and Activity pages.

Date Range Selection

View a week, month, or any timeframe of your choice at once.

Select your timeframe by clicking and dragging, or clicking the first date and then the second.

Work Insight Maps

Looking to get a high level overview of what’s going on within your team? Get a quick visual summary with our new Work Insight Maps.

We analyze your team’s activity and display important words and their relationships. The Work Insight Map will include all activity for a selected period of time or the search results you’re currently viewing.

We like to think of these as useful and interactive word clouds. I’ve included some below to give you an idea of the work that went into each feature.

To access your team’s Work Insight Map:

  • head to the Activity page,
  • select a timeframe in which your team got things done,
  • then click Show Work Insight Map, located underneath the main navigation.


We all forget to update at times, especially when we’re absorbed in our work. During business hours (8am to 5pm), WorkingOn can now send you a gentle reminder in Slack to share what you’re up to with your team. We’ll only do this if you haven’t posted for at least 2 hours.

To turn on Reminders, go to the Settings page and toggle Idle Reminders to Yes.

Our Work Insight Map for “reminder” over the last month.

Sqwiggle Integration

Sqwiggle is a great way to stay close with your remote team. With our new integration, when you update your status in WorkingOn, we’ll update your status in Sqwiggle.

To toggle your Sqwiggle availability, simply add *busy or *available to the end of your status update, and we’ll update it in Sqwiggle!

The team was thrilled to take an action shot shortly after midnight. ☺

You can turn on the Sqwiggle integration by heading to the Integrations page and clicking connect Sqwiggle.

Our Work Insight Map for “Sqwiggle”

Export to CSV

We understand that sometimes you just need to go back to spreadsheets to share, report, or analyze your team’s activity. Now you can!

Click on the spreadsheet icon on the Activity page to export activities for the current search result or timeframe.

Asana Improvements

As you check things off in Asana, see a summary in Slack or HipChat.

Slack & HipChat Improvements

If you’re using our Slack or HipChat integration, you’ll be happy to hear that we now support link embedding. If you’re using Slack, you’ll have the added bonus of image embedding!

Our team uses WorkingOn + Slack image embedding to very quickly share screenshots of what we’re working on with Dropbox’s “Share screenshots with Dropbox” feature.

To get started with any of our integrations, you can find installation instructions on the integrations page.

Thank you all so much for your continued feedback and support. We’re incredibly thankful to be a part of your journey.

With thanks,

George, Jeffrey, Zoë, & Mark

at WorkingOn


P.S. If your trial has expired, but you’d like to try things out again, let us know by sending an email to the address above!

WorkingOn allows you to share progress with your team from anywhere in the world, without distractions.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial and give it a test drive. We’d love to hear your feedback. Tell us what you think at hello@workingon.co.



Mark Cicoria
Work Together

Mark Cicoria is the founder of @WorkingOn who’s passionate about improving how people learn, work, and communicate.