Elements of Strong Work Ethics

Sandy Dsouza
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2017

Work ethics play a major role for the success of organization. Good moral values support in building healthy workplace culture. A good work environment boosts enthusiasm and productivity. The components that contribute to work ethics are professionalism, respectfulness, dependability, etc. These components are to be adopted, in earnest, by everyone while working. In order to pursue a career successfully, following strong work ethics are vital.


Professionalism comprises all the elements of work ethics. The initial elements are dressing style and interpersonal skill. The way you dress up, interact with other staff members matter a lot. Donning proper professional attire adds to your personality and confidence. On the other hand, if your dressing style is gaudy, it may disturb others, and they may not be able to concentrate on their work. Not only dressing but communication skills too play a major role in developing professional relationships. Talking with others with respect and etiquette are important for a working professional. Communication creates major impact on work. Talking smoothly with a perfect balanced mood, and control on words are important. If communication is poor and offending, you may not succeed in maintaining good relations.

Respecting others

Appreciating others for their good work is a gentle demeanor. Generally, work done by an employee is admired by seniors and people above his or her level, but it is necessary for peers to compliment the person. This maintains team spirit and improves work culture. If this element of work ethic is strong, you can be successful not only as a professional, but you will be a strong team player.


Dependability is an important element of becoming a reliable employee. You must make yourself capable so that others should depend on you. This means any task that is assigned to you must be completed in the allotted time. Staying particular about completing assigned work makes you trustworthy and responsible employee. This characteristic of an individual is strongly desired.


Dedication in work is essential for becoming a successful professional. Putting extra efforts in learning new things and giving more time and energy for projects help in achieving company goals. Moreover, it also supports in enhancing one’s skills and making presence felt in the company.


Determination is essential in order to see the given task complete. You must have it in order to succeed and fulfill expectations of employers. This quality will help you overcome any difficulties that may stand in completing a project.


Working with a sense of accountability is necessary for all to perform their job properly. Passing on the buck is harmful for you as well as the person you are blaming for the mistake. This kind of habit is neither professional, nor moral. You must learn to accept mistakes and be aware of your responsibilities. Consider mistakes as an opportunity to learn. However, ensure that the flaws committed by you must not cause a fortune to the employer or thrown business operations off the gear.


You may develop lots of skills and experience in your career, but that shouldn’t make you arrogant in any way. Being humble is important not just in profession but in personal life as well. Having this quality will make you acceptable in a professional environment. Being arrogant due to knowledge gained may make you isolated and distinguished from others. This can create a bad impression of yours and also have negative impact on your career.

The work ethics discussed above are essential to a successful professional. But they are not complete. Many other qualities are needed to develop strong work ethics at workplace. Keeping high moral values at professional front is necessary. It improves work efficiency, ability to cope with all the members in a team and thus ensures success in your field.



Sandy Dsouza

Freelance Author & Blogger, is always eager to share knowledge on topics like resume, career change & is contributor to http://www.bestsampleresume.com/examples