How can a Startup turn a Customer into a Community evangelist?

Working for Change
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2016
Saurav Tomar

‘In the process of finding a community, I was rather building one’

That can exactly describe the story and experience of Saurav Tomar, Co-founder Newsmeme, a company that brings to you what’s happening in the world via byte sized, crisp news videos and Cefy, a Financial Services Company which aims to make credit system and payments easy.

We recently got a chance to talk to him and record and learn from his experiences and journey with HelloMeets.

Saurav says, he first got to know about HelloMeets when our cheerful Founder Sahiba visited DTU (where he was studying) to interact with students. Gradually he came to attend the events and in no time became a part of the HelloMeets family.

Saurav who once joined HelloMeets as a community member actually came up with the idea of building a community of hackers. For which he started HelloHackers- a platform for hackers to meet, share and collaborate. When asked why he was interested in building this particular community through such an event, he said, hackers community is a community in which people take a lot of side projects but then ultimately go out of focus since there is no such platform where these are discussed or even given suggestions for.

HelloHackers — Saurav’s own tech playground

Through HelloHackers, he wanted to provide such a platform to all these hackers and coders to take their projects seriously and even collaborate with fellow community members. HelloHackers has had 10 editions till date.

Read all about the variety of projects taken up for discussion at HelloHackers here.

Where on one hand Saurav is contributing so much to the community, the community is also giving back to him. Isn’t that the beauty of connecting people!

Rohan and Saurav’s winning moment at a Hackathon in Mumbai

It’s through HelloMeets and its co-founder Sahiba that Saurav met Rohan, his co-founder for Cefy. They not only collaborated for the company but have also taken part in various Hackathons. In fact, they recently went to Singapore for an accelerator program. HelloMeets community wishes them all the best!

We have been blessed with a really interactive community but it’s rarely to be seen in any community that the members not only attended back to back events but also help in conducting them. Yes, Saurav actually conducted events for HelloMeets when the founders had to travel to another city for expansion. In his own words:

‘the experience conducting these events has been an eye opener, you get to be on the other side and see the amount of hard work that goes in for all this’

The events held at Bangalore and Delhi simultaneously.

When asked from Sahiba that why did she give this responsibility to Saurav, she said ‘the reason was a trust factor, we had become good friends, helped each other and I had this trust that he could handle it well and the event actually went amazing. That was the first time we had two events in two different cities at the same time.

Someone rightly said that ‘The most daring thing is to create stable communities.’ And Saurav has not only been a part of this kind of a community but has also helped in building one. He, in the truest sense, has been a member of the #HelloMeetsFamily.

Saurav, we wish you all the luck for your future ventures!

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Beginners guide to Chatbots | 18th September | 3 pm to 7 pm

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Blog Credits: Niharika Maggo



Working for Change

Where like-minded people meet over meaningful conversations