Go to Work Smarter and Level Up in Your Career as a Tech Worker
Work Smarter and Level Up in Your Career as a Tech Worker
Exploring the different skill-sets to better navigate the non-technical aspects of Tech. Exploring principles, strategies and tactics in social intelligence, leadership & managerial skills, attitude, aptitude, execution, productivity, adaptability, communication, and wellbeing.
Note from the editor

Exploring the different skill-sets to better navigate the non-technical aspects of Tech. Exploring principles, strategies and tactics in social intelligence, leadership & managerial skills, attitude, aptitude, execution, productivity, adaptability, communication, and wellbeing.

Go to the profile of Theresia Tanzil
Theresia Tanzil
This is where I ask questions and talk to myself | Backend web dev, web scraping, Robotics Process Automation | Blogs at http://proses.id
Go to the profile of Theresia Tanzil
Theresia Tanzil
This is where I ask questions and talk to myself | Backend web dev, web scraping, Robotics Process Automation | Blogs at http://proses.id