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Bringing you inside the workspaces of inspiring creatives.
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Workspaced #017 — Jason Zook

Welcome to the 17th edition of Workspaced!

This week’s newsletter features the workspace of Jason Zook. Jason is an extremely creative entrepreneur who has had his hands in various startups and projects. He is probably best known for earning over…

Workspaced #015 — Jack Kaufman

Welcome to the 15th edition of Workspaced! This week’s newsletter features the personal workspace of Jack Kaufman. Jack is the founder of Curated Theme, the author of The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Finding Your First Customers, and writes on his personal website.

Workspaced #011 — Amandah Wood

Welcome to the 11th edition of Workspaced! This week’s newsletter features the workspace of Amandah Wood, the founder and editor of Ways We Work. Ways We Work is a collection of first hand accounts of how people do meaningful work.

Workspaced #006 — Jeremy Goldberg

Welcome to the 6th edition of Workspaced! This week features the workspace of Jeremy Goldberg. Jeremy is a Product Designer at Facebook where he is working on building Business, Platform, and AI on Messenger.

Workspaced #005 — Marc Köhlbrugge

After a week off, we’re back with the workspace of Marc Köhlbrugge! Marc is the founder of BetaList, where you can get early access to the latest internet startups. He also recently launched a project called HIGHSCORE.MONEY that earned him $2,251 in its first day.

Workspaced #004 — Liz Wessel

Thank you for reading the fourth edition of Workspaced! This week’s featured workspace belongs to Liz Wessel, founder and CEO of WayUp, helping college students and recent graduates find jobs. Watch this short video to see what students are saying about the platform here.

Workspaced #003 — Kyle Bragger

Welcome to the third issue of Workspaced! In this issue, we take a look inside the workspace of Exposure co-founder, Kyle Bragger. Kyle is also known for creating Forrst.

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