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Worthix’s Conversation-based Customer Decision Intelligence technology measures the “why” behind buying decisions, giving your company the power to generate better financial results and gain a clear understanding of your customers’ decision-making process.
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Uber IPO turns out to be Uber-Disappointment

After the most hyped IPO debut of 2019, Uber ends the quarter at a loss over $1B, losing $7B in its stock value, much to the dismay of its stockholders. It draws a tidy parellel with its rideshare competitor Lyft, and calls into question the…

Uber and Drunk Riders

Uber has applied for a patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a special system that would be able to determine whether a passenger is drunk or not utilizing machine learning capabilities. Uber wants to be able to use this new system to differentiate between users who…

Uber’s Safety Overhaul

Last week, Uber announced their plans for a major safety overhaul. A new feature in the app will allow drivers to more easily contact emergency services in the case of an emergency and directly call 911 from the home screen of the app. With Uber being in the news a lot over the past few…