Happy Father’s Day Mr. Kwame Dei: How To Make Our Fathers Great Again.

In Thy Seed Shall All The Nations of The Earth be Blessed— Genesis 12:3, 22:18

Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst
21 min readJun 16, 2024


Picture of Mr Kwame Dei, Authors Father- Chattered Accountant-Sunyani.

Becoming A Genius Through The Power of Storytelling. “There Is No Greater Power On This Earth Than Story”- Libra Bay

Let’s put this question first. Why are Mother’s being celebrated more than Father’s on their respective celebration days? I think you know better.

According to Statista.com an article written by Martin Armstrong dated 16th June, 2023, Father’s Day will be celebrated in the U.S. this Sunday, and the National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates spending on dads around the country to hit a new record of $196.23 per person, totaling $22.9 billion. The largest share of this money, according to NRF survey data, is expected to go on special outings such as dinner or brunch, followed by clothing and the fail-safe gift card.

As the infographic shows, spending on the May tradition is consistently and considerably higher than the version for the fathers. This year, total spending on Mother’s Day came to an impressive $35.7 billion, making for an average of $274.02 spent per person.


So we can see, even according to the United States statistics, Mother’s Day is incurs higher spending compared to Father’s Day.

Everybody on planet Earth has a story to tell not only me. Supposed we have lined up like as the bible suggests on the Judgement Day that everybody should tell his or her story, you can imagine the scene.

Everybody has a different story to tell, so out of that context I have decided to tell my own part of the story.

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Taffeta Chime explores the significance of Storytelling in a Christians life. “Storytelling is not just telling ghost stories around a campfire, reading a novel before bed, or having family movie night on Saturdays.
While these are great storytelling experiences, they do not at all cover the scope of storytelling in our lives. We engage in storytelling all the time, and it is an essential part of the human existence. It connects us to each other, it unlocks memories and educational pathways in the brain, and it helps us to understand our past and prepare for our future".


Storytelling in the future has now turned to digital. That’s why you are reading a my digital story.👍

Before we continue, I want to acknowledge that not everybody will feel this way because we are the same people with different mentalities from different cultures, so if my message resonates with you, we thank God for your father’s care but if it doesn’t resonate, it will be time to heal from any oppression.

Let’s go down a bit about History of what Father’s Day Mean and How We Perceive it Today.

History Of Father’s Day.


Father’s Day, in the United States, holiday (third Sunday in June) is a day for honouring fathers. Credit for originating the holiday is generally given to Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, whose father, a Civil War veteran, raised her and her five siblings after their mother died in childbirth (Brittanica.com). She is said to have had the idea in 1909 while listening to a sermon on Mother’s Day, which at the time was becoming established as a holiday.

Local religious leaders supported the idea, and the first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, the month of the birthday of Dodd’s father.

In 1924 U.S. Pres. Calvin Coolidge gave his support to the observance, and in 1966 Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson issued a proclamation that recognized the day. It became a national holiday in 1972, when Pres. Richard Nixon signed legislation designating the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day (Brittanica.com).

For centuries, the Eastern Orthodox Church has appointed the second Sunday before Nativity as the Sunday of the Forefathers to commemorate the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh, starting with Adam and emphasizing the patriarch Abraham, to whom God said,

In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.

— Genesis 12:3, 22:18

This feast can fall between 11 and 17 December. This feast includes the ancestors of Mary, mother of Jesus and various prophets.
It is a national holiday in Estonia, Samoa, and equivalently in South Korea, where it is celebrated as Parents' Day ( Wikipedia.com).

Father’s Day is a holiday honoring one’s father, as well as fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.

The holiday complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Mother’s Day and, in some countries, Siblings Day, and Grandparents' Day.

Now that we have learnt something about the history of Father’s Day, let’s get to the real story…

The Bible says “study to show thyself approved,” 2nd Timothy 2:15.

Education, learning is a great tool for life and as a Christian, studying God’s word is the way to save one’s soul.

yourdictionary.com defines study as “The act or process of applying the mind so as to acquire knowledge or understanding, as by reading, investigating, etc.

Growing up as a little boy, I was very worrisome and adamant. The boy who will not listen to anybody’s point of view except his own. This was the kind of kid my father has to contend with up to this day. Being a child who has thirst for knowledge, I made sure my father took me to the best schools in our country (Ghana) and he gracefully did that.

The reason I am putting this across is the fact that, many of our fathers who are supposed to take charge of our education, pay bills and other stuff neglects to do so, which leaves many of the youth illiterate and unemployed.

But thanks to my father who took good care of me in school, paid all my tuition fee up to the university level and now that I am living I have to take the opportunity to congratulate him for such a responsibility. We know very well that opportunity comes but once, so once I am alive and a memorable day like this is in effect I have do all I can to tell the world what my father in particular has done for me.


My father did not hesitate to discharge his duties as a responsible man by providing good education for me. He did everything that I needed at any point in time. There is one thing we need to consider here when we are talking about Fathers. And this is very crucial. When it comes to the assessing of fathers, secuirty in the form of MONEY is a crucial factor to consider. This is true to the fact father’s are always the once providing for breakfast and many more. It is apparent that we know that security may come in different forms, but surely having a father at home; a responsible father of course can lower the likelihood of poverty.

Studies indicate that a father’s presence in the home provides structure and discipline that a mother alone cannot account for. Further research indicates that, even in single-parent households where the father is the sole provider for the child’s care, there is no greater increase in voilent behavior than with the mother alone.

I know I am not the only person who will attest to this fact, “Every child believes that his or her Dad has money and the Dad can buy anything for them”.

Just this morning a colleague told me because his parents are rich he doesn’t think about anything. This is the reality of every child.

My dad was such a person who will buy me things that will make me happy. What I believed now is, probably and possibly he knew me as a son. Anyway, thats my thought.

This experiences we have in our infancies brings out the subconcious memory that our fathers are rich and they can do anything for us.

My father is the quiet type, an introvert if I may say. My father is a great man in a village, that is what I can say from my perspective. There is something that has motivated me in doing this. The thing is, My father stood as an assembly man in our village and he lost the polls. So, in one way or the other I told myself to do something bigger to replace the shame that was brought to a great man of such status.

But we know that education is for studies to gain knowledge and it is the will of every father that his son or daughter becomes a prominent and knowledgeable person.


According to Jim Iyke, a Nigerian Actor, he said “ The only person who will wish you succeed more than them is your father, not your brother, sister, neither your friends but your father.

Screenshot from Facebook, Jim Iyke on Father's.

Everything I believe my dad taught me was subconcious. He was the introvert type who will not punish you physically, but will just keep an eye on you.

But there is something that I actually felt within me which always haunted me, motivated me and caused me anxiety.

There is something big you have to do for you Dad. This was the voice I was always hearing. This little small voice brought a challenge to me to become the best part of myself.

But not to confuse with scientific knowledge, we carry the DNA of our parents. We carry the genetic make up of our parents in every aspect of our being.

I want us to take a look an article describing the concept of the Soul by the Akan People of Ghana

According to an article documented by EV A L R. MEYEROWITZ, among the Akan when a child is to be born, the soul of a matrilineal ancestor, representing Nyame, God embraces it during the good-bye ceremony in heaven, and thus gives the child its own kra (soul). At the same time the child is given a command, the hyebea (hye- command, commandment; bea- type of), to be a good human being, and to do good deeds during his lifetime on earth.

The childs ancestor has failed this and his kra, after judgement has been pronounced by Nyankopon (Supreme Being), was condemned to be reincarnated till one of his descendants had achieved a pure kra, that is, has become a saman pa, a good spiritual being which can then become one again with Nyame’s eternal kra.

According to the Akan, the soul (Kra, Okra) existed with Nyame, God, long before it became incarnated. This soul may be the soul of or the spirit of a kinsman, or sometimes of another person, but one who belongs to the same the tribe. In the past according to the Akans, marriage was strictly endogenous: therefore if a child did not resemble somebody who died in the kinship group, that child might be regarded as a reincarnate of the fathers kinship group.

In the spiritual practices of the Ashanti people and Akan people of Ghana, the sunsum is one’s spirit. The sunsum is what connects the body (honam) to the soul (kra).

The sunsum in this way can be transmitted in a variety of ways, including from the father to the son during conception.

This power is used to protect the carriers of this spirit. When a man dies, the sunsum returns to the metaphorical house of the father in wait to be reincarnated in the next son born of the men of that family.

The sunsum is the functionary of the kra, in that when Nyame gives the kra, it is the sunsum that escorts the kra. Therefore, the kra and sunsum are purposeful counterparts of one another.

The Akan believe that each human being is composed of three main elements: blood (mogya), deriving from the matrilineal clan and giving formal status; character, or personality, from the patriline; and soul (kra), which comes from God and is one’s formal destiny.

A spiritual bond is thought to exist between a father and his child; the sunsum (spirit) of the father is said to provide strength and protection from spiritual attack or danger from his child.

According to the people of Akan, the supreme being, known as Nyame, Onyankopom, Odomankoma, and other names, is said to be omniscient, omnipotent, the creator of all the world, and the giver of rain and sunshine.

Screenshot from You Tube l Historian Anokye Frimpong: All Akans Are Bono People.

Moving on to the culture and traditions of the Bono people of Ghana, Traditionally, a state could not be founded without a queenmother in the olden days, although many states were founded without a king.

As the succession was (and still is) in the female line and as only the maternal ancestors were (and are) venerated, it was very essential that a female of royal blood gave birth to a state. That is why a queenmother owns a state, as a mother owns a child.

The queenmother is always seen as the daughter of the moon by Bonos, who symbolizes the female characteristics of Nyame, the Supreme Being who created the universe by giving birth to the sun (Amowia). The sun is therefore regarded as the son of the moon and is personified as the Sungod. The QUEENMOTHER therefore is represented as the great Mother-Moon-goddess, the KING as the Sungod, and the state as the Universe.

When the bi-sexual deity of the cosmos Nyame Amowia, visible as the moon, gave birth to the Sun god, she gave him her kra (soul), her eternal soul or life-giving power; hence his name, the Only Great Nyame (Nyame; ko- only; pɔn- great) generally drawn together as Nyankopɔn. The kra is also envisaged as bi-sexual; its female aspect is believed to be the substance or body of the moon and sun, i.e. fire, while its male aspect is the spirit, the essence, the spiritual, or that which is truly divine.

Now Let’s Look At the Concept of Twin Flames.

According to wikipedia.com, the term “twin flames” was coined by English novelist Marie Corelli in her 1886 novel A Romance of Two Worlds. Related terms, such as “twin rays”, came into use in the early 20th century through Guy and Edna Ballard, founders of “I AM” Activity. The term “I AM” is a reference to the ancient Sanskrit mantra So Ham and the divine biblical name “I Am that I Am

A follower of the Ballards, American spiritualist Elizabeth Clare Prophet first popularized the contemporary concept of twin flames in her 1999 book, titled Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships.


In it, Prophet mixes Hindu, Buddhist, and evangelical Christian beliefs to argue that twin flames are two people with a permanent divine connection required for both to reach enlightenment or salvation. Prophet’s daughter, a professor of religion at the University of Florida, has argued that earlier variations of the concept appear in the works of Charles Fourier and Emanuel Swedenborg.

Twin Flame Association with the Sun and Moon.


Looking back at the Zutara comic, the reason Zutara is associated with the Sun falling in love with the Moon has to do with the concept of the Twin Flame. Historically, common depictions of Twin Flames use Sun and Moon symbolism. This is because the Sun represents Divine Masculine energy and the Moon represents Divine Feminine energy.

Screenshot from Gabi Kovalenko | You Tube Divine Masculine Twin Flame.

Aaron Ehasz seemed to be directly inspired by the concept of the Twin Flame when he envisioned the Zutara romance.

According to Julie Longstreet Wehmeyer talking on the Science of Twin Flames, he made mention of the “traditional” type of Twin Flame, where at the soul’s birth there was one singular energy that split into two parts of the same soul. This would be similar to identical twins.

This is where the feeling of incomplete or “emptiness” and “deep loneliness”” stems from — there may be a yearning to find your literal other half. And once you become aware that you have a twin flame the separation can be unbearable. Because they are the same soul, Split Soul Twin Flames share the same Higher Self and Spirit Guides. They also share the same aura and chakra systems. Plus, multitudes of synchronicities. They also tend to look a like, act alike, share life parallels.

These types are always romantic because they reflect male/female energy and the ultimate goal is to become one again.

Were Adam and Eve Twin Flames?

Screenshot from manymanyworlds.wordpress.com

The universe and everything in it were created at the same time by the creator. He then made man, and from man he made woman, his helpmate, by taking a rib from him.He thus produced twin flames, which are the ultimate complement to one another. Both are equal, distinct individuals with distinct roles to fulfill that are in accordance with their life’s destiny rather than being submissive or less than human. Although we all have numerous soul mates, each of us has only one twin flame.

There was not one Adam and Eve, but Adam and Eve is a symbol of our creation, we are each our own Adam and Eve. When the universe was created, the individual souls split off from the divine source and each became a separate entity, creating many Adam and Eves.

This individual soul then once again split, creating your individual twin flame, your other half. This action is symbolized by God taking a rib from Adam and creating Eve.

This was done so each individual soul could experience creation at a faster pace than if only one soul was present, it also created duality and gave a situation where we could experience extreme loneliness when we became aware we had a duplicate soul somewhere, and extreme pleasure when we were reunited.

Screenshot from You Tube: Dolores Cannon ( Hypnotherapist) on Twin Flames Reunion.

The Concept of Twin Flames and Power Couples.

Twin Flames are the ultimate power couple and are powerful.

The energy between Twin Flames is so intense that it is unlikely that both will not feel it. The attraction between them is too strong to deny and keeps them BOTH coming back together. Their time apart is never too long and they are never too far away.

Twin Flames are the last ‘soul mate’ you will ever have on this earth meaning this IS your last lifetime here on earth… meaning all your lessons and karmic relationships are up (or are needed to be taken care of ASAP) and it is now time to move to a higher level of existence.”

- Llady Sorcha (Twin Flame Guru).

Let’s Look At Some Well-known Power Couples In History.

Antony and Cleopatra

Cleopatra, was the last Ptolemaic queen of Egypt and its last pharaoh, was fortunate – or unfortunate, as some historians might say – to have been part of two power couples. Cleopatra was a direct descendent of Ptolemy I, who had been an important general in the army of Alexander the Great.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

The power-couple relationship is often one in which the man takes the lead or a marriage of true equals. Rarely is the woman the dominant partner. But such was the case of Queen Victoria and her consort, Prince Albert, and, boy, the Brits never let him forget it.

The Sun and Moon Depiction In Freemasonry: A Universal Symbolism.

Among the masonic symbols that are not taken directly from the symbolism of the builders, the Sun and Moon occupy a special place in Freemasonry. The can of course be related to the Starry Vault that covers the Lodge.

The Sun in Freemasonry represents the eye of God that brings all things to light.


Everything that can be said about the Sun and Moon in Freemasonry on a symbolic level is sometimes universal and sometimes culturally specific. The fact that the 🌞 and 🌕 rise in the East and sets in the West is universal; that the Sun is always full, while the moon is sometimes waxing full, waning or dark is universal.

Going back to history we made mention of the fact that “For centuries, the Eastern Orthodox Church appointed the second Sunday before Nativity as the Sunday of the Forefathers to commemorate the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh, starting with Adam and emphasizing the patriarch Abraham, to whom God said, according to the bible which reads In Thy Seed Shall All The Nations of The Earth be Blessed— Genesis 12:3, 22:18.

But we know previously that Credit for originating the holiday is generally given to Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, whose father, a Civil War veteran, raised her and her five siblings after their mother died in childbirth where she was said to have had the idea in 1909 while listening to a sermon on Mother’s Day, which at the time was becoming established as a holiday.

I believe most of us are Christians, so let’s have a look at the Regional Distribution of Christians in 1910 and 2010 in the United States and Europe.


We can say from the above distribution that the population of Christians in 1910 to 2010 has increased in the United States.

According to wikipedia.com estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million).

Now since the Father’s Day started in the United States of America and majority of the population are Christians, I want us to look into the bible according to the book of Jeremiah.

Heading: Judah Rejects the LORD’s Way.

Jeremiah 6:16:

This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: ‘Where is the good way?’ Then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it!’

So, what do we mean by Ancient Paths according to what the bible says.

The “ancient paths” mentioned in the bible symbolize the timeless truths and divine principles laid down by God. It’s an invitation to return to a life of obedience, righteousness, and reverence for God, contrasting the contemporary paths of disobedience that led them astray.

According to GotQuestions.com, it explains that, “Those ancient paths explain our lostness and our need for a savior (Isaiah 64:6), and they explain how God provided that Savior (Isaiah 53). Those ancient paths show us that the road to redemption is a simple one—belief in Him (Genesis 15:6; Habakkuk 2:4)—and that He is faithful to all who believe (Psalm 37:25).

These revealed chapters stand as evidence that the ancient paths are not archaic or inaccessible or irrelevant. Rather, they are indeed a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).


So looking back to history we can definitely say that the Father’s Day was celebrated in remembrance of the forefathers of Christ and the Patriarch Abraham, to whom God said He shall be the father of all Nations.

We are going to go by the fact that for centuries Eastern Orthodox church celebrated this day in remembrance of the forefathers and ancestors of Christ and also the Grand Patriarch Abraham.


So now I want us to go back to history since we are dealing with Ancient Path according to the Bible.

“The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”— Winston S. Churchill.

My father whose name goes populary as Kwame Dei comes from the Bono Region of Ghana, so I want us to take a look at a brief history of the origin of the Bonos according to oral tradition of Wenchi’s in the Bono Region of Ghana.

What is the Origin of the Bono People.


There are two competing traditions of origins of the Wenchi which underpins the contest of the Wenchi stool by Ahenfie Yefiri and Safoase Yefri families ( Ameyaw, 1965; Busia, 1968; Baku, 2006). The Ahenfie Yefri oral tradition asserts that their apical ancestor, Nana Asaseba Odensie or Asase Yaa Baodensie came out of a hole in the ground, a place near the source of the river Ayensu nine miles south- west of Wenchi

This hole is the site for the festival known as Murukuo.

Screenshot from Facebook Daily Graphic Page-Ghana
Origin of Bonos

History according to the Bonos reveals that, the God of the apical ancestors who made his people built the town Yefri was Bosommuru.


In anthropology, an apical ancestor is a common ancestor from whom a lineage or clan may trace its descent. We often use the word apical because this ancestor is at the apex of the genealogy.

In the case of clans, this may be a real or fictional ancestor chosen for unification purposes.

If the apical ancestor of a clan is non-human, it is a totem.

Now we know that the apical ancestors of the Wenchi’s, who are part of the Bonos emerged out of the ground and the festival celebrated at the site of the hole is called Murukuo.

Now that we know the festival that our apical ancestors celebrated, let’s ask ourselves the question; is the Murukuo festival still in existence today or it’s extinct.

Continuing with my story, my grandfather who has passed on was the spiritual leader to the Murukuo festival. He was the one responsible for all the rituals that was carried out during the festival celebration.

But one thing we have to know is that, names are powerful and the reason we gave names to our children is very mysterious.

So me taking the name of my grandfather means I am the Next of Kin.


Your next living blood relative, including spouses and adoptive families, is your next of kin.

When we talk about kinship we usually mean relationships shared between ancestral ties.

Kinship may also mean the sharing of characteristics or origin.

So in one way or the other I might say since I was named after my grandfather and he was the spiritual leader of the Murukuo festival, I therefore also have the characteristics to lead the Murukuo as the next of kin to my grandfather.

So our apical ancestors therefore require unification, when one soul becomes one with God.

We know earlier that the Bonos personifies their king as the SunGod and the Queen mother as the Great- Mother- Moon Goddess. But in ancient mythologies, the SunGod has similarities to that of Christ.


Jesus made it clear in Psalms 82:6 that; I have said, ‘You are gods;

you are all sons of the Most High.’

If Jesus see we humans as gods according to the bible and he is mostly represented as the Sun in ancient mythologies, then he must be the SunGod.

This is a video by a researcher who claims Jesus comes from Dormaa.

The bible made it clear that Jesus is going to return in the New Age.

The Culture Hero.

When we talk of a Culture hero, we mean a founder who appears at the beginning of a culture’s legendary past.

Culture heroes often help found that culture’s universe and change the course of history.

Eventually, there comes a point where the gods and heroes of mythology must yield to actual historical figures. A step removed from origin stories about the creation of the cosmos, we are now dealing with the phenomenon of culture heroes—the founders who appear at the beginning of a culture’s legendary past. Rather than creating the universe, these figures create cultures.

Such figures are shrouded in mystery and their historicity is much-debated by historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists. Often, Culture heroes are the KINGS whom legend tells us were themselves gods or demi-gods and used their divine status to create the great cities and kingdoms that we recognize and see today.
The legends of the culture hero symbolize the transformation of the world out of a chaotic past and into an ordered and well-governed present.

So what are We Looking At?


Foundations and Earth is one of the later books in his epic series. In it, a space traveler encounters isolated planet communities so evolved they’ve essentially ceased to be human. In one hidden, highly advanced civilization, the people are hyper-individualistic, hedonistic hermaphrodites with armies of robotic slaves.


The other planet is composed of hyper-evolved humans with merged consciousnesses that encompass plants and animals.


These two planets provide two possible directions for the future of humanity: hyper-communal or hyper-individualistic, but both imagine thousands of years into future possibilities.

Dear Dad,

Happy Father’s Day! As I reflect on the journey of my life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your undenouncing affection and care. Daddy you have been my rock, guiding me through every challenge with wisdom and love. Your strength, kindness, and dedication have shaped me into the person I am today.

From the smallest gestures of comfort to the most significant acts of support, your presence has always been a source of warmth and security. Your sacrifices and efforts have never gone unnoticed, and I am eternally grateful for everything you have done for our family.

On this special day, I want to celebrate you, not just as my father, but as my hero and my friend. Thank you for all the love, lessons, and memories. Here’s to many more years of joy and togetherness.

In Conclusion:

History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books. Books, which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe. As Napoleon once said, "what is history, but a fable agreed upon?"' — Dan Brown

TWIN FLAME REVOLUTION: The Culture Hero’s Journey.

I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his name, you will accept him.

Screenshot from Author's Unpublished Book.
Screenshot from Author's Unpublished Book.

Take Home:

Murukuo simply means Wisdom/ Intelligence/ Clever.

Good Name is Better Than Riches!!!

Be Great Again, Our Fathers!!!



Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst

Biochemist, Metaphysicsian, Ancient Spiritual Knowledge And Alchemy. Self development. Human evolution. Consciousness. Mysticism and Psychic.