How to Spend More Time Reading Than Scrolling Phone Screens

Reclaiming Focus and Finding Joy in Books Again

Tayyab Ali
Write A Catalyst
4 min readSep 1, 2024


Photo by Gilles Lambert on Unsplash

In a world where our smartphones have become constant companions, it’s all too easy to find ourselves mindlessly scrolling through social media, news apps, or random websites.

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I used to be one of those people who could easily lose an hour or more just scrolling through my phone. But over time, I realized that this habit was eating away at the time I could have spent doing something more fulfilling, like reading.

In this article, I’ll share my personal experience of how I managed to shift my focus from my phone to books and why it’s been one of the best changes I’ve made.

The Wake-Up Call

I’ll never forget the moment I realized just how much time I was wasting on my phone. I had just checked my screen time statistics and was shocked to see that I was spending an average of five hours a day on my phone.

That’s nearly a quarter of my waking hours! The most alarming part? Most of that time wasn’t even spent on anything productive. It was just endless scrolling through social media feeds, reading news updates, and watching short videos.

It hit me that I wasn’t just losing time; I was also losing focus, creativity, and the deep sense of satisfaction that comes from immersing myself in a good book.

I had always loved reading, but it had become harder to find the time or so I thought. The truth was, I had the time; I was just spending it on my phone instead of on something more meaningful.

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

The Shift: How I Started Reading More

Making the decision to read more and scroll less was the easy part; actually doing it required some conscious effort. Here’s how I made the shift:

  1. Setting Intentional Limits on Phone Use:
    The first step I took was setting limits on my phone use. I used the built-in screen time feature to set daily limits for social media apps. At first, it was challenging to stick to these limits, but gradually, it became easier. Knowing I only had a certain amount of time to spend on my phone each day made me more mindful of how I was using it.
  2. Creating a Reading Routine:
    To ensure that I was dedicating more time to reading, I created a simple routine. Every night, I’d set aside at least 30 minutes before bed to read. I also started carrying a book with me wherever I went, so I could read during any free moments.
  3. Replacing Scrolling with Reading:
    One of the most effective strategies I found was to replace the urge to scroll with the habit of reading. Whenever I felt the impulse to pick up my phone and scroll, I’d reach for a book instead. This small change made a big difference in how I spent my time.
  4. Choosing Engaging Books:
    To keep myself motivated, I made sure to choose books that genuinely interested me. Whether it was fiction, non-fiction, or even graphic novels, I found that having a compelling book on hand made it easier to resist the temptation of my phone. The more engaging the book, the less I thought about my phone.
  5. Using Technology to Support Reading:
    Ironically, I also used technology to help me read more. I downloaded a reading app on my phone, which allowed me to read e-books when I didn’t have a physical book with me. This way, I could still read even if I didn’t have a book on hand, turning my phone from a distraction into a tool for reading.

Since making these changes, I’ve noticed a significant difference in my daily life. I’m reading more books than I have in years, and I feel more engaged and fulfilled as a result.

My concentration has improved, and I’m no longer as easily distracted by my phone. Plus, I’ve found that reading before bed helps me sleep better, something that late-night scrolling never did.

The best part is that I no longer feel like I’m wasting time. Instead of regretting the hours lost to my phone, I now take pride in the time I spend reading and learning.

Conclusion: Small Changes, Big Impact

Making the switch from scrolling to reading isn’t easy, especially in a world designed to keep us glued to our screens. But with a few intentional changes, it’s entirely possible and incredibly rewarding.

If you’re looking to spend more time reading and less time scrolling, I encourage you to try some of the strategies that worked for me. You might be surprised at just how much more time you have for the things that truly matter.

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Tayyab Ali
Write A Catalyst

🌟 Exploring ideas, one story at a time ✍️ | Passionate about growth, creativity, and making an impact 🚀 Contact for any Queries