Ladder of knowledge.

Importance of knowledge and experience.

Mr. Harsh
Write A Catalyst
4 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Amirrasim Ashna on Unsplash

You should have heard many quotes about knowledge and experience, like knowledge will help you or knowledge can open doors, and many more like that. These are some common words spoken by wise people in society. Many know these quotes and tell them to others, but they don’t know what they mean. They don’t know how knowledge and experience can help them.

Today I will tell you about what I have learned by talking to many people about how knowledge and experience can put you ahead of everyone.

What is knowledge?

Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education, or, as you can say, a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Let me give you an example through which you will understand the importance of knowledge.

Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

Let say there is Circle of 10 km radius, and in the center there is a tower. The circle is a forest, and in that forest there are so many obstacles and difficulties that you are given the task of reaching the center of the circle. There are many people who were given the same task, and they started to head in the circle. If it took you six months to reach the tower, then what would be your reaction?

First, you would ask how many people have reached before you. You would think I would have done better. When you climb the tower and see the forest and obstacles from above, you would think that if I hadn’t done that, I could have saved more time. You would see all the shortcuts and easy paths and think of the solutions that you took too much time to solve.

Let’s sum up the above paragraph.
The circle is your situation or your life, and the tower represents your knowledge or experience. The higher you climb, the more clearly you can see the things that you have done right or wrong. Let’s say you are given that task again to reach the tower. Then you can reach it in much less time than the first time you took it because you have seen the path. That is why it is said that if you have knowledge and experience, then you can create your own path to success.

I asked many friends of mine some simple questions. I would like to ask you the same question.

What if your parents threw you out when you were 18 years old? Then how much money have you earned? 
What if your parents throw you out of the house now? How much can you earn now?

The answer they had given was different, but each time, the second answer was 3–6 times the first one. 
Can you give me the answer to those questions?

But many people can’t even earn half the amount of the first one. Do you know what? Tell me the answer if you know.

Knowledge is power, but ....

Knowledge and experience can help you in many situations and create many opportunities, but you should have the right knowledge for that. More knowledge means more opportunity. It’s only applicable when you have knowledge of the field you are in or the situation that is happening. It would be foolish of you to think you can repair cars by reading medical books. Experience and training are also required to apply that knowledge; only reading a book can’t help you. You have to apply that knowledge and gain experience from it.

The importance of experience and skills When you reach some height in your life, you suffered some loss.

Let’s say you are thrown out of that tower. And you feel frustrated because all the hard work you have done is gone. With the resources you had, if you want to reach that height, then you have seen all the forest and the path, so what is the problem here? The only thing new here is that you have experience and have seen everything. Doesn’t that make it easier to reach the tower?

Even if you can’t reach the tower, you can be a tour guide, or you can tell the people about your experience or a way to easily reach it. Wouldn’t that help you? If you try hard enough, you could reach even higher and faster without repeating your past mistakes.

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

Even if you lose everything, your knowledge and skills will remain; they are permanent and won’t leave you. The same can’t be said for people’s money or success. I know money is also a problem, and time is also the most important here. All I want to say is that if you have done it once, then you can do it one more time.

Every second you are growing up, so learn from your surroundings and don’t repeat your mistakes. 
If a person is reliable and has experience, even if he says some lies and adds some facts in between, then people will believe him

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