The Road To Medium Success — Quality Vs Quantity: Which Works Bests

The answer might not be what you think

John Williams
Write A Catalyst


Indecision by Author

So I was just reading an article by Asghar Jutt on Soul Magazine (Love that name) titled What Works on Medium Quality or Quantity? which got me so carried away in the comment section, I thought I may as well write an article about it.

I have had some strong opinions on this topic long before I started reading, much less writing on Medium, which I’ve shared in many debates.

I believe that quantity develops quality.

Something I’ve observed my entire adult life, is that great artists are prolific artists and that more often than not they’re as good as they are prolific.

Something I’ve observed studying musicians and producers, YouTube content creators, grapplers (I do pajama murder struggle cuddling), actors, is that volume preceeds expertise and both proceed reputation.

So many times people think they’re producing quality…but they’re not. They may have done their best. But there…



John Williams
Write A Catalyst

Part-time Poly-math | Full-time Adventurer | Ever-faithful Son