Dystopian Diaries, Nicole Entry 3

I’ve been asked to be a part of the preservation team.

Nanci Arvizu
Write Speak Play


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I’m relieved because it means I will have access to paper, pens, and pencils.

Writing is all I’ve ever known, it’s all I’ve ever done, it’s the thing that fills my soul.

If I had not been appointed this position, if my own paper and pens and pencils had been taken from me, given to someone else to use … I’m happy I don’t have to worry about it for now.

I have taken great lengths to assure everyone that I will do my best as I work alongside the others who’ve been appointed with this important task within our shrinking community. And in the back of my mind, I think of those who are hiding their paper and pens. I understand I want to tell them. I promise to not come for your supplies. I know how important they are to you.

With great power comes great responsibility.

It’s a quote I’ve referred to often over the years. It’s written in a small notebook with other important quotes and sayings. I used them once to create a journal to inspire others to write their stories, in honor of a friend who’d passed away too young. I hope they did. It doesn’t matter if those pages are now gone, blown to bits in the bombings, turned to ash in the fires or mush…

