Writers, You Can Still Make More Money On NewsBreak Than On Medium

Don’t overlook this great opportunity

Jim Woods


Photo by 金 运 on Unsplash

While Medium is the best place in the world to write, you can definitely make more income on NewsBreak than on Medium.

Why do I say this?

Because Medium’s algorithm has changed and it’s harder than ever to get views. You are competing with many, many other writers on Medium. And many popular publications like The Ascent are going away.

NewsBreak has made a lot of changes since it’s first year in existence. And many have not been very good for writers. But that being said, you can absolutely still make good money from NewsBreak.

Last month, I made over $300 dollars from NewsBreak.

Photo by Author

Sooo…how many new articles did I write?

Five. You didn’t misread that. I wrote five new posts during September. And get this: one of those posts was just repurposing a post that I had written on Medium. So we are really talking about four new posts.

Not a bad deal, right? How often do you make over $60 for a post on Medium?

So what gives? The focus is still on local with NewsBreak. Local communities have engaged readers.

I was given the following badges during the month of September, and I think these have helped with my articles getting more traction.

Photo by Author

Just like on Medium, the more content you have on NewsBreak the better you’ll do. The more content that NewsBreak can promote for you.

Evergreen content wins. It never goes out of style and people will continue to engage with it.

In addition, NewsBreak tells you exactly what you can do to get more views. While NewsBreak has opened up to more stories (within their rules) and doesn’t require a local focus anymore, local is likely still the best place to focus your attention right now.

It’s time to experiment, my writing friends.

Start to think like a NewsBreak reader. Create content that you would click on or want to read as a local resident. Context matters. That’s why a post that is popular on Medium isn’t likely a popular post on NewsBreak.

Put on your thinking hat. Do you have an article that you can repurpose to have more of a focus on local stories versus just having a general focus?

Again, I want to encourage you not to overlook NewsBreak. It’s still a great way to earn some money from your writing. If you’d like to sign up for NewsBreak, you can do so right here (this is my affiliate link).

Have you tried NewsBreak? What has you experience been like?

Jim Woods is a writer who loves helping others bring their story into the world. He’s written four books and has worked with authors such as Jon Acuff, Mike Vardy, Courtney Carver, Eric Ries, and Gretchen Rubin.

👋🏼 P.S. — Want to know how you can blog, write a book and build a platform at the same time?

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Jim Woods

I help small businesses, writers, and non-profit organizations repurpose their content and create books. Contact me: Jimwoodswrites@gmail.com