Red Hot Chilli Blizzard

Tanka series inspired by Ravyne Hawke’s December 7th prompt to write a blizzard poem and one of my favorite f’ing songs


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Dec 7th Poetry prompt:

Write a ‘blizzard’ poem.

Poetry Form — any
Line Length — 15 lines
Restrictions — line length

The Poem:

Storm is approaching
Crescendo building turmoil
Must find oasis
Put on internal armor
Shall survive this Gaia test

Lead guitar intro
Pulls me onto frozen pond
SocraKiedis speaks
Let’s learn what we do not know
Battle demons from within

Lay fresh tracks on snow
Blizzard covers path back home
Trust intuition
Blindness led me so astray
Faith in Source will guide me home

In Rama I create, with soul energy surging through my body, inspiring me and breathing wind into my sails,

Marcus (Gregory Maidman)



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Write Under the Moon

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.