What is Love?❤️

Silence is Love!!

Sanchit Bains
Write Under the Moon
2 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Everyone has their own definition of Love.

Some say when someone makes me laugh that’s love, some say when someone makes me feel comfortable and safe that’s love. What is Love?

In one of my articles, how having an understanding of the concept of good can lead one to attain the understanding of bad. In that same manner, one can understand Love.

Before that, we need to break the concept of Love even further and create subcategories of Love- true and false love.

The question comes up, what is true love? By my logic, for that to answer we need to understand false love. The irony of understanding false love is that there is no such thing as false love. You cannot half-heartedly feel for someone and label it love. There is a feeling, Yes! But not love.

Hence, there is no true or false love. There is only love.

So what is love? Nietzsche provided his thoughts on the topic, saying that friendship is love and if there is no friendship, there is no love.

Now, if we think about it, friendships in which there is no need to say anything and yet you feel comfortable, those are the best kind of friendships. You are there with that person, whether you talk or not, you are at peace. There is no lingering awkwardness, no need to keep the conversation going, no need to excuse yourself!

Even when the silence is not awkward, that’s what love is!

That’s my definition of love- a non-awkward silence!

