Why Does Suffering Exist?

An exploration of the topic through monoku

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Write Under the Moon


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some say suffering exists only in our minds, that’s so zen of them

some suffer because life’s purpose is the full human experience

karma draws them to it or it to them, yet punishment I say not

just the price of admission to the master class of good and evil

suffering exists because God feels only unconditional love

unconditional love does not know punishment, only forgiveness

unconditional love not earned nor denied, it’s felt and freely given

those who endure suffering without pain, live in gratitude and trust

Poet’s Notes:

In the wee hours of Friday morning, I read Ted Czukor’s free verse Why Must Some People Suffer So Much. Ted’s poignant and contemplative piece for Nora (I gathered) wonders whether kind people in this cycle suffer as punishment for transgressions in past lives and includes:

I wish we could have taken away her pain,
God and I. Was that so much to ask?
Why must some people suffer so much?
What could they have possibly done?

Whatever it was, I could forgive it.
Why couldn’t God? There must be a reason.
There has to be a reason that I…



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Write Under the Moon

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.