8 Amazing quotes from Pinterest that will improve your life

1. Find what you’d die for, then life for it

Writers’ Blokke
5 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo by VSCO

Find your true passion, the thing that keeps you alive and grounded. What are the things that you’d die for? The things that matter the most to you?

Find these things and then live for them.

2. You will graduate, you will get job, you will find love. You have an entire life! things take time. Just enjoy where you are now. RELAX.

Photo by VSCO

This quote is a reminder to live in present moment and to enjoy what you have now. It’s okay to think about the future and your dreams but remember that everything takes time and that it all starts with you.

Don’t stress too much, everything will come, enjoy where you are now.

3. No one is you and that is your power

Photo by 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐄

Yes. You are unique. And so you friend, your neighbour and even your worst enemy. We are all different in something. So why would you think that you are worthless or that you are not good enough?.

You are what you are and nobody will ever be you, period. Remember to always be yourself and if you don’t like something then change it. Be yourself because that is your true power.

4. I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. Then I realized I WAS SOMEBODY.

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Let’s be real. We always whine about our problems and the problems about the world but 80 % of the time we do nothing and we wait until someone actually do something.

Well, if you want to change something, why do you have to wait other people? You are a person too and if others can do it, so do you. Changing something doens’t mean doing big actions or big things. You can just be aware and take responsability of what happens. Don’t be indifferent. There’s always something you can do, and even if it’s small, it’ll always help. Take action now.

5. Focus on the shape of your mind rather than the shape of your body

Photo by 𝒔𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒏 𝒔𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒍 ⋆˚✧・。・゜

Our appeareance takes a big part in how other people see us. But honestly who cares? If someone really cares about you than he doesn’t care about your body or about your face. The only thing that matters is your mind, your mindset and the way you behave. Shape your body if you want, but don’t stress yourself. Focus more on shaping your mind, it’s worth your time. Also remember this: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. A person is not his body. A person is his mind.

6. when thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.

Photo by Madison Cowley

That’s the most obvious quote but yet one of the most difficult to apply. You can’t change your past. What is done is done. It’s useless to feel guilty about what you’ve done, instead you have to take everything as a lesson. Learn from your mistakes and try not to do them again. Also, you don’t have to stress too much about your future. Remember that your future will be the choices that you do today. So rather then worrying, think about what you can do today in order to have a good tomorrow.

7. It’s All in Your Mind

Photo by Winkgo

Pyshcology says that there are two types of mindsets: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. A person with a fixed mindset believes that his intelligence and his abilities are fixed and that they will always be like that. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset believe that their intelligence can be trained through work and dedication during the time. Try to be a person with a growth mindset. You can always change and improve, even if you think something is impossible.

If you believe in something you’ll have more chance to actually make it a reality. It’s our mind that shape the perception of our life. Be aware of how your mind reacts to things and how it behaves. Know if you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. If you want different results in your life, you don’t have to wait for events to occur, all you have to do is to change your mind.

8. Life is like a piano. The white keys show happiness. The black keys show sadness. But as you venture on life’s journey remember that the black keys also make music

Photo by Đ₳ⱤⱠł₦₲ ₵Ɏ₳₦łĐɆ

You’ll feel sad, you’ll feel angry, depressed and all other bad emotions. That’s a fact and we have to accept that. Nobody is happy all the time. Even positive people have negative thoughts, they just don’t let them control them.

Life is made of happy and sad moments but as this quote says, the sad moments also help us to live and to move on.

Don’t let negative moments control you. You are not your weaknesses. Be strong and learn how to take the good from these moments, as you venture on life’s journey.

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Writers’ Blokke

Dreamer | Psychology lover | Music and Tv series addicted. Sharing life advice, personal growth and general tips on how to live better.