Four Easy Ways to Find Your Writing Rhythm

Personalizing your writing routine can lead you to success

Writer's Dream
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readMay 26, 2024


Writing tips for beginners.
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Have you tried to follow countless writing routines only to get frustrated?

You are not alone.

I tried different writing strategies. But only those worked that suit my daily routine and dream lifestyle.

Read on to discover how to tap into your authenticity to write effortlessly.

1. Everybody has a unique genius capability

After reading many expert articles, my brain automatically tries to copy their writing routine and goals.

It did not work for me.

Initially, I tried to follow the morning writing routine. The morning creativity is the best to tap into. My head ached when I scrolled through the mobile or laptop to write an article at 8 a.m. I don’t know the reason. My sleepy eyes cannot afford to look at the screen.

The nighttime also does not support due to the hectic day.

So, I adjusted my writing time somewhere between 11 a.m. and noon.

I had to figure out this writing time by experimenting with what suits my body and mind.

What works well for you may not work for me.


As a beginner writer, read everything you can. Experiment with all the writing ideas, but select that which suits your day schedule. Nobody can help you because nobody lives your life. You are the expert here.

2. The creator economy is the opportunity to experiment with your ideas.

When I started writing, I did not know about monetization part of it. Reading taught me the different avenues to make money through writing.

Initially, I set a target to earn $1 through writing. After achieving this, I started to think about what next.

I thought of a few revenue streams through writing.

  • Starting an online course
  • Selling ebook

However, after deep thinking, I decided to focus on the newsletter first. If it works well, then I can think of other streams.

The enormous opportunity of the creator economy is that you can experiment with your ideas. Work on a single idea at a time. Decide future ventures based on the data and responses you receive from the current idea.


Do not work on multiple ideas at the same time. Focus on one at first.

3. Instead of targeting to make money, choose a lifestyle you want to pursue for the rest of your life.

I have observed one trend in most of the articles.

Everybody wants to earn money through writing. I was in the same boat.

I asked myself a question, and now I am asking you.

Do you know how your set target will change your lifestyle?

For example, if you want to start a course, will you engage with the students 24/7 -ish to answer their queries?

Or do you want a life that you own?

I aim for a lifestyle where I can work a maximum of 4 hours/day, and the rest will be mine. So, I will try for the newsletter first because it will not need my presence a lot.

Before you decide on a writing income stream, ask this question.

What kind of lifestyle do you want for the rest of your life?

Choose a writing(or any other) revenue-generating stream based on the answer.

Then, build content on how to achieve that.


Chase the lifestyle, not the money.

Money will flow if your side hustle is in sync with your lifestyle.

4. Simplify the process

Do not complicate things.

I made this mistake initially.

If you are a new writer, follow this framework to earn money.

  • Select a target audience.
  • Find their pain-points
  • Create a product or a service to address that.
  • Initially, nobody knows you. So write 1–2 tweets with a link to your landing page (to build your email list). Write 3–4 articles a week. All this content should solve a specific problem.
  • Give most of the products for free to win their trust. Deliver way more than you promised.
  • Then, charge some amount to those products.


It’s much simpler than you and I think.

Do you want to start writing as a beginner? Click here for a free ebook covering everything a beginner writer needs to start writing.

