I’m Thinking About Giving Vocal Media A Shot. Here’s Why.

Will it be worth it?

Biliz Maharjan
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readMar 28, 2022


Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

A few days ago, I hit 1,000 followers on Medium.

It felt amazing. I remember a few months back when I only had 5 followers (two of which were my self-created accounts).

I never imagined that I would reach 1K so soon.

Thanks to all my followers and readers. I am grateful for this achievement.

I also became a Top Writer in Writing about a few weeks ago.

Read about it in this article:

As a writer, my job is to write. I used to write only on my blog before writing here. It was not easy for me to change my writing platform.

But, writing on Medium did make an impact. Even though I cannot earn money here, I have learned so much on this platform by reading people’s stories, feeling inspired, and building a consistent writing habit.

Writing on Vocal Media

Ever since I started writing on Medium, I haven’t written anywhere else.

I created a Simily account to see what the fuss was about. But, I did not see any results by republishing my stories there.

However, there is another writing platform that everybody keeps talking about. It’s called Vocal Media.

I signed up for it yesterday because I wanted to see how different it was from Medium. So, I checked how it works.

I found out that it pays writers for views. But the most intriguing factor for me was that there was no geographical restriction on Vocal (like there is on Medium).

I am not 100% sure about this part, but I checked, and I didn’t find anywhere about the restrictions.

So, I want to write on Vocal Media and see how it goes.

Medium does not pay writers like me because we do not belong to a specific geographical location.

That’s sad.

But if there is a platform that pays us, why not write there.

I know I have said that writing is not just about the money. But at the end of the day, I work hard to think about ideas and write good stories. It also takes a lot of time to do so.

I want to write on Vocal Media to see whether I can grow myself there like I did on Medium. Plus, if I get paid there, that would be amazing.


I love it here on Medium, and honestly, I don’t want to switch platforms.

However, I will not stop writing on Medium entirely. If it is possible, I might be cross-publishing my stories on both platforms.

Lastly, I want feedback from writers already writing on Vocal Media. So, if anybody reading this also writes on Vocal, I’d love to hear what you think.

Is it worth it? Is it better than Medium? Are there geographic restrictions? What is your experience writing on Vocal?

Thank you for reading. If you like my work, please buy me a Ko-fi. Any amount will be appreciated.

Check out my eBook How to Build Side Hustles & Make Money Online.

Thank you.



Biliz Maharjan
Writers’ Blokke

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Join 1000+ creators and thinkers for weekly notes: bilizmaharjan.com/subscribe