How Education Ruined My Life

Value of what is taught is less, how much you spend to learn is more

Rinkesh Gorasia
Writers Guild
9 min readMay 5, 2018


I still remember how I used to get exited to go to school everyday(most of the times). Those days were evergreen, memories which would be cherished forever. But as soon as I completed my school life, I was asked and told to make decisions about what branch to take , what I want to be and the list of questions goes on…

Seriously, I was clueless. I had no idea what to do.And was just trying to look around and copy what others are doing just like everyone else.

Its funny that we want our kids at the age of 15 to decide what they want to be life but still call them immature on all other occasions. WOW!!

The only thing I realised school taught me is how to score better than others and believe that the only way to success is good marks else you are nothing.

The central purpose of education, learning, and collaboration should be to mediate voluntary evolution. In its current state, what we call education is leading humanity towards extinction.

Education is like a forced, timeshare sales pitch for college. Becoming financially self-sufficient, earning money, inventing things to sell, collaborating, finding meaningful work, or learning new skills is absent. After crippling students’ ability to make or generate money, teachers, professors, and parents sell the idea that a college degree will help students get everything they want in life. Marketing, selling, and pushing massively expensive degrees onto children who are forced to be in school isn’t ethical.

I was always overlooked

As a kid I was pretty shy and quiet student but always wanted to speak and contribute to as many things as possible. But I was always discouraged , never given chances , never looked upon and sidelined. And its not the just the case with me, its with the majority of students.

Teachers and schools for their sake overlook a majority of the students who don’t get to do anything because of those few people who are good at it.

Most of the students pursuing there UG/PG still lacks the ability to speak in front people. Neither they have the confidence and that style of putting there thoughts out to the audience.

Education has promoted decades of listening to ineffective speakers. Without the opportunity to practice speaking, students are ill-prepared for the world and unable to challenge the very foundation that controls their destiny.

Students are trained to not speak unless an authority figure allows them to speak. Then, they are trained to not speak unless they have an entire room of judgemental peers listening. This is a recipe to train people to always be afraid to speak publicly, and always be on the lookout to censor brave individuals who dare speak up without permission of an authority figure, or in the absence of judgemental peers.

We are never taught to read and write

We are always encouraged, forced and restricted to our syllabus. There are no discussions about what skills should we improve upon or take up.

Education promotes an unconscious hatred of reading, and an inability to seek out the best books and authors. Ask any student, of any age, what they’ve been reading lately. It will be a short conversation. The best books that created the western ideal of the individual, morality,and all the wealth and technology around us, are rarely presented to students.

Education installs an unconscious hatred of writing. Two decades of being trained as a circus animal to perform writing about things the student doesn’t care about, from teachers who don’t want to read it, is enough to keep most individuals from ever exploring writing on their own.

No writing exercises in Education are practice for writing in the real world. None are designed to help an individual get to know themselves, or to construct an argument.

Education is child abuse for the best, and child protection for the rest.

Too many teachers and professors appear to have a chip on their shoulder. Entire generations of boys and girls are taught by certain teachers who are bitter, angry, confused, and no longer interested in improving themselves. To confirm this, simply ask the best teachers you know what their colleagues are like. The best teachers inside education shoulder the burden of all those who are bitter and lazy.

This is the reality of our current situation and points to the massive challenge that education must confront and work to solve. There are great teachers inside the system who face the demoralizing prospect that plenty of the parents of their students reverse all of their efforts. The reverse is true as well, there are great parents who have all their work erased by sending their kids to school.

We are not allowed to explore

I still remember how many times I went against my parents and teachers to let me play football or play a character in drama or any other co-curricular activity but most of the times I was not allowed to do that. The teachers also never encouraged for any kinds of activity since I was not good at academics.

The Parents-Teachers meet were all about marks and complains and no other skills or attribute were being discussed from either of the side.

Most people are coerced by others to enter Education, and they are not free to leave on their own to pursue a better or more voluntary path. They develop the habit to procrastinate on anything they choose to do voluntarily. This causes an intense hatred of self and deep confusion that paralyses most of the educated for their entire life.

Children are naturally curious and love learning. They love philosophy when it is presented. They love to create. But having every decision critiqued at home and at school, will crush that curiosity.

Education has become a fundamentalist religion

Education installs the mind virus of fundamentalism — the erroneous notion that there is only right and wrong, or the correct way and the incorrect way. If you believe something under this toxic ideology, you are precluded from believing the opposite. In the complicated world of real life choices, there are typically many answers that are useful, and many answers that are more correct than others. There are always more than two sides to any debate and more than two ways to solve any problem.

Education doesn’t train students on how to assess and make good life choices. Freedom of true choice is suppressed so that children remain children. Education will only ask about a person’s preferences (grades, sports, and other activities) when it comes to selecting one of the many same colleges, thus giving an illusion of choice.

In casual conversations, individuals are coerced to advertise if and how they’ve been saved — where they have gone to school, or what college they attended. You are supposed to broadcast and advertise for the accredited government institution where you paid a lot of money to receive what could arguably be called a worthless piece of paper.

The curse of Education

Sharing is the first thing taught to little children to ensure students can be stolen from later in life. Being forced to give up something that you are using simply because someone else wants it, teaches two terrible lessons: 1) I can get what I want by throwing a tantrum, and 2) Someone more powerful can take what I thought was mine to play with or use and give it away. We first have to learn how to appropriately value ourselves and our things before we can share intelligently.

Anytime a child, or young adult, might decide to explore the miracle that they exist and can develop free will, become more free, or achieve great success in life, Education’s original sin program begins to run in their brain. The afflicted begins to self-censor and resurrect guilt for existing.

Education is the place where students are prevented from ever learning how to protect and defend themselves. Those who are bullied inside the walls of Education are prevented from learning how to protect and defend themselves. Education’s rule of, “no matter who started it, both are in trouble” is designed to create sheep who run to the Shepherd to protect them.

Education controls the habits and thoughts of people for the first two decades of their lives. A teaching of science is that the entire universe exploded from matter the size of a pinhead for no reason, and the entire universe will end in a heat death. Is science so lost that it thinks there is no reason or meaning for anything?

Higher education is the process where individuals commit to a path that ensures they specialize in one thing. They become helpless in every other area of their life and are forced to try and work with other “Educated” types who have been crippled in different ways.

Education prevents students from being free to work and earn money in the real world. Without money and the experience of interacting with adults in a way that creates value, students are helpless.

When you’re properly using your mind and intelligence, they continually make you aware of how little you know. This is a feeling to be savored, instead of avoided.

Science teaches that experiments with an N of 1 can’t be trusted, yet each of us are running an experiment with an N of 1 — our lives.

Everything we see around us is nature that has survived or evolved through endless cycles of post-traumatic growth. That means real “learning” is the result of stress and shocks followed by adequate recovery.

Information isn’t wisdom. The path to teaching students to become wise will come through encouraging direct experience and challenges in the real world. This can only happen through leadership by healthy and happy leaders (also known as teachers).

Only when we simulate and introduce the right amount of adversity, at the right time, with the right amount of recovery will our outdated ideas about “Education” become reformed into a more voluntary form of self directed learning. Only after that does humanity have a chance to evolve and escape extinction.

If I stand up in the front row of a soccer stadium, the person behind me will have to stand too. This creates a chain reaction — soon, everybody is standing up. Yet, nobody has a better view.

Education may be stuck in this kind of vicious spiral. To be competitive, we need to get bigger degrees. But what happens in a world where everyone has a meaty degree? We need to get even meatier.

Before we know it, all of us will be in school for the rest of our lives ;)

If what education does is “raise the bar” (like standing up in a stadium), then we could — in theory — lower the bar (say, by having everyone go to school for 4 years fewer) and get similar results.

If we had to choose between a school which guaranteed higher marks for our children by making them masters of mindless cramming and regurgitation, versus one which would teach them to be original and innovative at the expense of doing badly in the exams, which would we send them ?

Let’s stop being hypocrites – the markets supplies what we demand!

It’s remarkable that some students still survive Indian schooling without suffering permanent brain damage!

I was a part of that bright prospectus print used to lure you into this fancy education system & I curse myself I didn’t say no to the fake propaganda & did not hold my fake smile back.

So now the ball is in your court. What is wrong with Education? What do you agree or disagree with? Feedback is welcome, and feel free to leave any comments.

Hey there, this is Rinkesh. If we’re meeting for the first time, I say Hi to you.If you found this helpful, consider sharing it with a friend living across the ideological divide and a clap, is always, appreciable.

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