What writing 100 articles can teach you.

Orlando González
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2018


It’s an incredible thing to behold after you reached that first milestone; it feels good to see how much you have evolved since that first post, it feels good, but it’s not over yet there is still a lot to do.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of a tip is patience. Not to write all of those articles because that’s the fun part, it’s seeing how little traction your articles get.

It hurts a bit to see little to no people read your articles when you put time and effort into them, but it’s something that must be done in order to grow.

Yeah, it may suck at first but its fun when you see a response from someone and you make a little conversation with them about the topic in hand. You don’t have a viewer; you have a friend, which brings me straight into my next point.

Make friends in here!

I love to hear feedback about my articles as well as I love to chat about other things. That is something that you should look for, write a response on an article that you liked, give them some feedback, share their content and talk with more people (like if you were a human being)

Here it’s pretty easy to get caught up in only writing your posts and leaving but there is so much more in this platform to explore! Give it a try and start socializing a bit more with others; you could even do an article with somebody else! The opportunities are endless!

Humans are social creatures and having connections everywhere is a really useful thing to have!

Don’t be afraid to fail

I’ve talked about this several times before, don’t worry if you aren’t writing perfectly, don’t worry if your story isn’t as “juicy” as the one other people have, all of that is part of the process!

I recently heard a podcast (The Tim Ferriss show) and the guest was Tim Kennedy, he’s a UFC fighter as well as a Green Beret sniper and he said something that will probably stay with me for the rest of my life, which is “hurry up and fail”, sounds pretty aggressive right?, but it’s true, you don’t know how good you are until you fail, you don’t what your mistakes are until you fail. Keep grinding and see where your limits are and work from there!

If you aren’t failing from time to time then you are doing something wrong!

So go ahead and fail, it wont be the end of the world.

Don’t get caught up in editing

Sometimes I edited way too much, I saw my articles and changed them a LOT.

Now I edit but try to leave it as raw as I can since I want it to be like a conversation with the person that is reading!

With this I’m not saying that you should not edit (god no, it would be a disaster haha.)Simply try to edit a bit less, don’t strive for the perfect article, strive for the one that oozes emotions!

P.S: Perfection doens’t exist so why waste your time looking for it when you can be happy making articles that you like?

Have you written more than 100 articles? or are you starting out? I want to know! Send me a response down there so we can chat!

Much love to every single one of you!

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