100 posts in 100 days.

Agustian Hermanto
2 min readOct 3, 2013

Two days ago, I came across David Spink’s 100 posts in 100 days challenge. And without thinking much, I sent him an email and committed myself to 100 posts in 100 days.

So here comes day 2. (Read my first day post: Life is a playground)

Now that I have a couple of days to reflect on why I took the challenge, I realize how much work it’ll be. Especially since I’m a slow writer.

I started panicking and thinking to myself:

What strategy I need to follow? Do I need a strategy at all? What should I write? Can I keep up with my commitment? How much time it’ll take? Will people like my writings?

Yeah, I have a lot of fears.

However, I do have some writing experience. I used to write about Indonesia travel guide and marketing emails for a personal leadership company. Not much, but it gives me a little confidence.

The truth is I love to write. I had a lot of fun writing about Indonesia. I love to research, explore and share its magnificent beauty. I love to write about personal growth, especially ones that are based on Buddhist teaching.

Now that I’m committed to 100 posts in 100 days, I have all the reasons to write again — with these personal goals in mind: write more, write better and make a habit out of it.

Oh and all those fears I have, I choose not to fall into their trap. I choose to succeed and to win.

“Challenge accepted!”

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Agustian Hermanto

Sixty Two co-founder. Product strategist. Dive the deepest sea and hike the highest mountain. Life is a Playground!