Fuel These Days

Do you know how much it costs to power a spaceship?

Rachel Anderson Lee
The Fiction Writer’s Den


three empty orange chairs in a public place
Photo by katalin gyurasics on Unsplash

This prompt A Drabble a Day is by Grim Flandango in The Fiction Writer’s Den. The word is REIMBURSEMENT.

“Well, by all the ions in my ship’s warp core, is that Zdxum the Trouncer? Don’t tell me you’re here for fuel reimbursement, too!”

Zdxum winced as Tlwzia the Vanquisher approached the claims line with a laser blaster strapped to each slimy, green tentacle.

“Yeah… fuel prices these days, right?” Zdxum’s uncomfortable laugh issued tinnily from the Galactic Dominator’s standard issue armor suit.

“How long has it been since the Slaughter of Squildge? Six gigaseconds? Seven? I want to hear all about your latest conquests. Did you subjugate any planets I’d recognize?”

Zdxum shrugged, inching forward in line. “Just Earth.”

Thanks for reading! Extra appreciation to Grim Flandango and the Fiction Writers Den editors. These are great brain-stretching exercises.



Rachel Anderson Lee
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Reality Escapologist. I easily disappear into a great story and unlock new worlds with words alone.