Fiction | Drabble | Psychological

On Pride, and Being Washed-Up

A drabble writing prompt response

JF Danskin
The Fiction Writer’s Den
1 min readFeb 29, 2024


Arty picture of chess pieces
Image by the author using FreePik

This story features one of Grim Flandango daily word prompts (‘pride’).

“Let’s face it, Leo,” said Sharon. You’re washed up. You’re a loser.”

“Not true,” said Leo. “My best days lie ahead of me.”

Sharon chortled. “You’re in a mental institution, your family disowned you…”

“A temporary setback.”

Sharon licked the bishop, then set it down on a square. “You’ve no money. You’re notorious on the outside since your involvement in that failed coup. And besides, you’ll never get out of here. Even the nurses try to avoid you. When it comes down to it, what do you have left?”

Leo shrugged, then smiled. “I have my pride.”

“Well — regardless. Checkmate.”

Thanks for reading! Find more about my writing here. And come join us at The Fiction Writer’s Den to share your own fiction.



JF Danskin
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.