Be Careful What You Wish For (Writetober — Smoke)

October 2, 2022 Prompt: Smoke

Bella Reyna
Oct 3, 2022


Photo of bright orange, red and yellow-white flames against a black background.
Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

He could feel his wish taking effect.

At first, he thought the warmth in his body was the magic working. He was getting hot.

His body was changing; that was true.

But the forces took his words literally.

The heat became painful, searing.

He became as he’d wished: smoking hot.

I invite you to participate in Writetober! #WritingChallenge #50WordFiction
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Bella Reyna

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.