To Never Be Hurt Again (Writetober — Guard)

Oct 5, 2022 Prompt: Guard

Bella Reyna
Oct 6, 2022


Image of a woman laying on her side on the dark ground. The image is black, with only a portion visible. The woman’s hands are near her face, and her legs are bent forwards, the top knee partly bent. She’s alone, and appears to be in pain.
Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash

The heartbreak had almost broken her. But she persevered. She survived.

She learned to protect herself, armouring her heart.

She became hardened, impermeable, guarded from being hurt again. But by closing off, the light couldn’t enter.

She remained in darkness, hurting alone — so no one else could hurt her again.

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Bella Reyna

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.