WP2: First-Gen Voices: An Interactive and Artistic Analysis: Introduction

Grace Lee
Writing 150
Published in
1 min readOct 17, 2022

Introduction & Purpose

Welcome to my exhibit “First-Gen Voices: An Interactive and Artistic Analysis” where I will provide you an in-depth experience into my journey of redefining first-gen, a continuation of my WP1. In my previous project, I elaborated on my story of being a first-gen–simply my story. If we were to successfully understand the complexity of being first-gen, my story alone would not be sufficient. My purpose of providing this exhibit is to let music and other people’s words add to the definition of the first generation experience. Every first-gen’s story is differently layered; we must recognize how one single experience limits the (re)definition of first-generation. Along with this, this exhibit brings to light misunderstandings. Being first-generation is not simply “not knowing how academics work”. There are the mental pressures of discovering purpose and directions alone. This exhibit conveys that in order to appropriately support the first-generation student community, there must be an attempt to understand the true and complete definition of first-generation.

Exhibit 1. A Lyrical Approach

  • We’ll begin the exhibit with my personal experience of one of my biggest struggles in high school, presented in a musical form.

Exhibit 2. A Musical Analysis

  • We’ll enter the realm of different artists’ voices and how they represent similar first-gen sentiments through their music video and lyrics.

Exhibit 3. Student Voices

  • We’ll analyze the survey results of first-gen and non-first-gen students and find patterns and dissimilarities.

