How To Find Your Voice As A Writer

Plus avoiding a simple writing mistake and why writing is a great side hustle

Ben Le Fort
Writing For Profit


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

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This Is What It Actually Means to Find Your Writing Voice

One of the cliches and generic pieces of writing advice you often hear is to find your voice as a writer.

But what does that actually mean?

I used to think it was a bunch of non-sense people would write about to sound like they know what they are talking about. But, in the last 7–8 months, as I found my voice as a writer, I discovered what it means.

You’ve found your voice as a writer when you can take your unique viewpoint that is swirling around in your head and easily transcribe it into a well-structured article at lighting fast speed.

In this article, I’ll review how I found my voice as a writer, how doing so completely transformed my business, and how you can find your writing voice too.

Click here to read the full story

A Simple Mistake New Writers Make That Annoys Readers

As a professional writer, one of your main objectives is to build an audience of engaged readers. The last thing you want to do is make it feel like a chore for your readers to read your work.

One of the most common mistakes I see new writers make is failing to leverage white space in their articles to make their work easier to read.

White space in writing refers to the absence of text or images in an article. Having white space is visually appealing and makes the writing easier to read, especially for someone reading on a phone or mobile device.

In this article, I am going to review how you can easily introduce more white space into your work and make it easier for your readers to engage with your writing.

Click here to read the full story

3 Reasons Why Writing Is the Perfect Side Hustle

A side hustle is a great way to earn extra money and get ahead financially. It can also be a significant time commitment, and there are many different types of side hustles. It’s critical to make sure you choose the best side hustle for your situation.

Here are three reasons why writing can be a fantastic side hustle.

  1. It is completely flexible. You can choose what you want to write about when you want to write and where you write.
  2. It can provide you with scalable income, which is exactly what you need to increase your income dramatically.
  3. Surprisingly, it can make provide you valuable skills that could make you better at your day job.

This article serves as a guide to understand the two different types of side hustles and why writing can be the perfect side hustle for you depending on your situation.

Click here to read the full story

A Beginner’s Guide to Become a Successful Writer on Medium

I created this course to give writers all of the tools they need to find success in writing on Medium.

Here are the topics covered.

  • Why writing on Medium is a great side hustle
  • How to choose a topic to write about
  • The basics of how Medium works
  • How the Medium partner program works
  • How to write a great headline
  • How to write a perfect introduction to your article
  • How to leverage Medium publications to grow your audience.
  • Plus I will personally give you feedback and advice on an article you have written.

This class is on Skillshare, which is a subscription site. However, if you are not a subscriber to Skillshare you can get 2-months for free and therefore take this class for free when you use this link or click below.

Click here to enroll

In the interest of full disclosure: If you use the link in this article to enroll in my writing class, I receive a $10 referral fee from Skillshare. It does not cost you anything and, in fact, gives you two free months to the platform, but I thought you should know.



Ben Le Fort
Writing For Profit

I write about behavioral finance & evidence based investing. Want to work with me? e: Here's my Substack: