How To Manage Your Story Like A Pro On Medium

Features I Didn’t Know As A Beginner

Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2023


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

It’s been a few days since I started using Medium. I hadn’t heard about it until just a few days ago, so basically, I didn’t know a thing about Medium before I signed up.

Even after I finished signing up, I wasn’t sure about writing here. But somehow, I ended up writing my first story on Medium. Believe me, it was super easy for me to write.

All I had to do was click ‘Write’ in the top right corner, and I was good to go.

But after reading stories on Medium, I realized that there was something missing in mine. Fortunately, I figured it out soon enough that I didn’t know a lot about its features, so I was having issues in managing my story.

So, these are few features that I found by exploring Medium and with the help of YouTube, Google, and other platforms. These will help you write, manage and enhance your story in a professional manner.

I’m going to explain one by one briefly.

How to add Title and Subtitle?

  • Start writing your story by writing your title.
  • Select your text including the title and select ‘Big T’.
  • To add a subtitle write below your subtitle text.
  • Select the text and press ‘Small T’.

How to add a kicker?

  • To add a kicker place your cursor at the beginning of your title and press enter.
  • By pressing enter, space above your title would be free.
  • In this space, you can write your kicker and again select ‘Small T’ after selecting the text.
Screenshot taken by Author

How to add header and sub-header?

  • Header and Sub-header is similar to Title and Subtitle.
  • Select text which you want as Header and click ‘Big T’.
Screenshot taken by Author
  • For sub-header, click ‘Small T’.
Screenshot taken by Author

How to start a numbered list?

  • To create a numbered list, press 1 and a period (“1.”) and then press the space bar.
  • Write your text and hit Enter.
  • After you press enter, an automatic numbered-list will be generated.
Screenshot taken by Author

How to start a bulleted list?

  • To insert a bullet, press the hyphen or dash key (“_”) , and then press the space bar.
  • After writing your text, press Enter, and a bulleted list will be generated.
Screenshot taken by Author

How to add an image?

  • Click on the “+” symbol that appears at the beginning of a new line.
  • The first and second options allow you to add an image.
  • You can add an image from your gallery by selecting the first option or from Unsplash by choosing the second option.
Screenshot taken by Author

How to add a video?

  • Click on the “+” symbol, and the third icon is for adding videos.
  • You can paste the link of the video you want to add there.
  • After hitting enter, wait a few seconds for the video to load, and then you’re good to go.

How to add an embed content?

  • If you want to add embedded content (such as from Twitter, Blogger, or Medium), click on the “+” symbol.
  • Next, select the fourth option (“< >”) and paste your link.
  • Upon hitting Enter, wait a few seconds and you’re good to go.
Screenshot taken by Author

How to add a new part?

If you want to add a new part to the same story, there’s a pretty simple solution.

  • Click on the “+” symbol that appears at the beginning of a new line.
  • Select the sixth option (“…”), and you can add a new part.

How to attach a link with your text?

Screenshot taken by Author

How to add relevant topics or tags?

Adding appropriate tags is a crucial step to make your content more discoverable to other readers.

  • Always choose tags that are highly relevant to your story.
  • Opt for commonly used tags like writing, self-care, and programming.
  • Avoid using complex or uncommon words as tags.
  • Try to avoid tags with a low number of stories associated with them.

Explore writing styles:

  • To bold your text select text and press “B”.
  • “i” is for Italic writing.
  • For quotes or sayings, click on the quotation mark symbol (“).
  • To discover various writing styles, click again on the quotation mark symbol (“) after selecting the text.
Screenshot taken by Author

Fun fact: I’ve been having a hard time finding these features on Medium, even though they are described when you press Ctrl+?. I didn’t know.

I even ended up writing a story to help. Whatever, I’m still going yo publish it.

Hope these features help you manage your story well.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash




I take pleasure in writing and I aim to ensure that my readers also find enjoyment in my work. Let's stay in touch.