#58: Independent Arts

Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2023

wuruwuru is a community studio from Lagos. We’re an internet-based collective that works with independent creators to fund, design, produce and distribute passion projects. We educate and sustain creative talent by building communities of practice to create spirited works of art.

The studio is starting a second life as a non-profit! Our application for the business name Independent Arts LTD/GTE has been granted, and we’re now just waiting for the Attorney General’s approval.

Here’s our ground zero:

Talent. Over the past three years, we’ve met and worked with some of the most talented people in Lagos. If we don’t know how to make something, we know someone who does.

Management. We know how to work with artists remotely. We’ve produced a comic, a board game, a digital archive, a digital book, two animated shorts and six events using just Notion, Basecamp and WhatsApp.

Operations. We have some of the best people helping the studio with project management, social media, finance and legal. Our documentation is great and communication structures are well established.

Product. We now have three flagship products: LUDO (Yadi), E Dey Happen (Eris) and Feel Good (Daniel). We’ll continue to develop them with the goal of making each one a self-sustaining business.

Money. Each product is funded by a donor who gets producer credits, a stake in the business (if it becomes commercial) and a gift from the studio. We’ll rely on grants and eventually crowdfunding for running the studio and sponsoring creative programs.

Distribution. About 150 or so people follow our social media accounts, and we’ve gotten a lot of word-of-mouth because of the events in Lagos and London. I’ve also made important connections in the UK and Europe and we’re starting to get global press.

I think we’re finally ready for this community studio business.

The studio will close for the year on Dec 1, 2023. Our last sprint is called Sankofa, an Adinkra symbol that reminds us to look back at the past as we continue to design the future.


Landing page for Feel Good
Landing page for Feel Good

Feel Good — Daniel, Eris, Ikaay, Studio Null
After two years (see #31), we’re finally launching Feel Good! The stories will be published over the next month. Join us at afeelgoodbook.com.

Hanky Panky — Daniel, Princess, Tunmise
The YouTube premiere for Hanky Panky is scheduled for December 3. We’ve reached out to a handful of local and international blogs for press ahead of the release. I’m looking forward to more critical reviews and conversations when this goes public.

Cover Bank — Helloworld
The Album Cover Bank is now maintained by Helloworld, a separate studio I also run. Helloworld builds technology services for cultural production and is better staffed to maintain code and content for the archive. We’re currently working on a feature with Its Nice That.


Noro Stool with a record player and vinyl
Noro Stool with a record player and vinyls

E Dey Happen — Eris, Ivie
Eris has shared and edited the script for episode 2! Ivie is back on the team and working on storyboards.

Nọrọ — Chuma, Stark, Rowland
We commissioned 10 Noro stools from Chuma to reward studio donors. Stark and Rowland are designing new packaging and a documentary.


RegistrationWilliams, Doris
We’re looking to complete the non-profit registration by year-end.

AccountsWilliams, Tosin
We’ll do a financial audit for Helterskelter and pay taxes.

ContractsWilliams, Saratu
We’ll sign our first contract with the Independent Arts entity.

