Baltimore Blues Ch. 2

It’s about to get REALLY strange.

Simone de Boudoir
Wylde Erotic Cravings
16 min readOct 12, 2023


Image by azerbaijan_stockers on Freepic

Read Parts 1 here— or jump in here!

Chrissy put on her coral lipstick and primped her hair in the mirror. Natasha was coming over again, and though she had come over several nights this week already, Chrissy still got butterflies in her stomach whenever she got Natasha’s “On my way” text.

As soon as she set the lipstick tube down on the bathroom counter, it jostled and floated up in the air. Its cap popped off and its creamy stick twisted out. Chrissy watched as the cosmetic pressed against the mirror and wrote out “U look hot.”

“Thanks, Matt,” Chrissy said aloud. “But you know, that is expensive lipstick. Can’t you find another way to give me messages?”

She was met with silence, until about ten minutes later when a pen and scrap of paper floated into the bedroom, where Chrissy was dressing, and scribbled out the note: “Sorry so hard to find pens around here.”

“It’s okay, my love,” Chrissy said sweetly to the ghost of her husband. Although, she had to admit that having a ghost constantly around could get annoying at times. But, she reminded herself, it must get frustrating for him too, being dead and all, so she tried to go easy on him.

The pen wiggled in midair and added the shape of a heart to the scrap of paper.

“I love you too, Matty.” She picked up the paper and pressed her lips against it, leaving behind a kiss mark.

The floating pen drew an arrow pointing toward the lipstick kiss and added: “Expensive!!”

“Haha…” Chrissy teased. “Lipstick used for kisses is never a waste. But I should touch up before Natasha gets here, she’ll be here any minute.”

As soon as Natasha arrived, they got down to business. She and Chrissy stretched out on the bed in their underwear while the ghost of Matt hovered nearby. Of course, though Chrissy and Natasha sensed Matt’s spirit, they couldn’t see, hear, or feel him yet. That required special conjuring.

“Hey Matt, how’s the afterlife?” Natasha asked perfunctorily into the air as she leaned in to kiss Chrissy on the mouth. Natasha had worn her usual black lipstick, and when her lips mashed against Chrissy’s their colors mingled. When their tongues met, Chrissy felt the smooth round ball at the tip of Natasha’s tongue ring.

After several minutes, Chrissy interrupted their making-out. “I think Matt will be getting jealous if we don’t bring him in soon.”

“You just want me to make you cum,” teased Natasha. “How lucky for you that that’s what does the trick.”

Chrissy giggled as she slid her panties down her legs and tossed them aside. “People can want two things at once, you know.”

“Shhh,” Natasha hushed as she spread Chrissy’s legs and brought her face close to her pussy.

Beginning with light kisses, Natasha left little smudges of coral and black lipstick along Chrissy’s inner thighs and over the skin of her vulva. She then flicked her tongue against Chrissy’s rosebud clit, and used her fingers, slick with saliva, to part her petals. Chrissy moaned in response and thrust her hips forward to satisfy her pussy’s hunger for firmer touch.

Heeding the call, Natasha increased the intensity of her tongue and fingers. The piercing in Natasha’s tongue added steely pressure, making Chrissy moan even louder, as her fingers gripped the bedsheets. When Natasha pressed her teeth down on Chrissy’s clit, then moved down to bite her labia, Chrissy’s back arched into an acute angle as she let out a cry of orgasm.

“Don’t forget the magic words,” Natasha reminded, lifting her face briefly from between Chrissy’s legs.

“In a minute, Nat. You know what I’d like?” Chrissy asked. “For you to just keep doing that…it feels so good…oh…oh…yes, Baby, that’s it…ahh…Matt can wait a few min…aaaahhh…wait, Nat…I want to do something I’ve never done before…aaahhh…wait!”

“You what?”

“Turn around, Nat. I want to do you, too. I’ve never tasted…”

“Without Matt here, you mean?”

“Yes. Before we bring him in. Just you and me…aaahhh…”

Natasha turned around and got on her hands and knees, spreading her legs and settling her thighs on either side of Chrissy’s face. Hesitantly, Chrissy examined Natasha’s pussy, admiring its beauty. In true Natasha fashion, it was decorated with its own piercing, a metal bar running vertically through her clit. Chrissy found it lovely and seductive, and as she sampled Natasha’s pussy, slowly at first, she moaned at its deliciousness. And when Natasha began moaning, Chrissy increased her intensity.

It didn’t take long before the two of them were thrashing and moaning, drinking of each other voraciously. Natasha came within a minute, and hearing her cries, Chrissy hit her own peak, a screaming, panting orgasm. And as she did, in the throes of passion, she uttered the magic words…

“Oh, Matt!” Chrissy called out. “Matt…Matt!!”

With his name spoken three times in orgasmic delight, Matt’s image appeared, but only for Chrissy. “Has there ever been a better way to make an entrance?” he said as his voice became audible, but again only for Chrissy.

“Hey Matt, my love.” Chrissy beamed with the afterglow of cumming.

“That was quite a show you two put on,” Matt said.

“Were you watching?” Chrissy asked.

“Wait…Matt’s here?” Natashed asked. “Was he watching? What did he say?”

“Um…yeah, of course I was watching. You know, Chrissy, I’ve watched you masturbate a ton since becoming a ghost, but I’ve never seen you look like that. And that Natasha, just wow!”

“He said it was beautiful,” Chrissy said to Natasha. “He said he’s never watched two girls before. He said he wants us to do it again. He says he likes to watch.”

“Is that what I said?” asked Matt. “You’re getting a little loose with the translations, there, Chrissy honey…”

“He liked it? I gotta be honest…I liked it too.”

“I’ll bet you did,” Chrissy and Matt answered in unison, though Natasha only heard Chrissy’s voice. Only Chrissy could see or hear Matt once conjured.

“Great, now that we’re all present, and now that we’ve all had a thrill,” Natasha began, “I wanted to float an idea past y’all. I brought something special. Well, actually, I brought a few special things today.” She reached down for the messenger bag she had flung to the side of the bed.

“What did you have in mind?” Chrissy asked.

Reaching into her bag, Natasha pulled out a book and presented it so Chrissy and Matt could read the title. It read: Sex Magick for the Paranormal.

Chrissy laughed, bringing her hand to her lips. “Wait…seriously?”

“I’m dead serious,” said Natasha. “We sell this at my shop, I’ve been dying to try it out.” She flipped through the pages until she landed on the one she wanted. “Check this out.”

Chrissy read the chapter title aloud: “Spirit Possession through Sex Magick.”

“Keep reading.”

“Spiritual possession here refers to a state of consciousness wherein a living person’s body becomes inhabited by a ghost or spirit through sexual arousal,” Chrissy continued. She could feel Matt reading along with her just over her shoulder. “By following the steps of this ritual, you will be able to invite a ghost or spirit into your body, and you and the spirit will cohabit your body until peak sexual arousal, most commonly expressed through orgasm.”

“Isn’t that what we’re already doing?” Matt said to Chrissy.

“Matt wants to know how this is different from what we’re already doing,” Chrissy said to Natasha.

“We’ve just been fumbling about with it,” Natasha responded. “This will help us be more intentional and directed. Matt can inhabit your body, then mine. And who knows, maybe it’ll be cool to share a body with another spirit. Maybe the orgasms will be twice as powerful!”

Chrissy smiled. “I’m down to try. A few months ago I might have called this bullshit, but I’ve seen so many wild things happen recently that I’m open to all kinds of possibilities. What do you think, Matt?”

“What have I got to lose?”

“Matt’s in!”

“Great,” said Natasha. “Let’s get started.”

Under the chapter titled Spirit Possession through Sex Magick were a list of ritualistic instructions. They read:

Step 1: Light a candle for each participant, living and dead.

Step 2: Consecrate the ritual space by scattering salt at the north, east, south, and west points. This will help ward off evil spirits and prevent them from interfering with the ritual.

Chrissy and Natasha lit three candles and sprinkled salt at the foot of the bed, along the headboard, and on either side.

Step 3: Find a scent that, based on your knowledge of the deceased, the spirit will enjoy. This will help entice the spirit and smooth the transition across planes of existence. Scents can include perfumes, herbs, spices, soaps, lotions, etc. Mark the ritual site with the scent.

“Matt always loved this one perfume I have,” Chrissy suggested. “It smells like cinnamon and amber, it’s quite sensual.”

“Perfect,” said Natasha.

“Pfff,” Matt scoffed. “There’s no way I’ll be able to smell anything. I haven’t smelled anything since crossing over.”

Brushing off Matt’s dismissal, Chrissy grabbed her perfume and sprayed it over the bed.

Step 4: The vessel — the living person who will invite the spirit to cohabit their body — lies down at the ritual site with their head facing north.

“I’ll go first,” Chrissy offered. She laid horizontally along the bed so that her head faced north. “Get ready to inhabit me, Matty!”

“I’ll do my best…” Matt said.

Chrissy thought he didn’t sound very convinced on the whole ritual thing, but she appreciated that he was at least playing along.

Step 5: The vessel begins sexual stimulation, by themself or with the help of another, and chants this phrase three times: ‘I am open, enter me, share my pleasure.’ This opens the portal to the beyond, allowing the spirit to pass into this world and into the vessel’s body. While cohabiting the vessel’s body, they will share the same sexual experience.

“I am open, enter me, share my pleasure,” Chrissy recited, eyes clenched shut. “I am open, enter me, share my pleasure. I am open, enter me, share my pleasure!”

After several moments of nothing happening, Chrissy opened one eye and then the other and looked around to see if anything had changed. Nothing had.

“Matt?” she called out.

“Still here in spirit land waiting to cross over…” he answered, somewhat sarcastically.

“Nothing’s happening,” Chrissy sighed.

“You forgot an important part,” Natasha pointed out. “You were just lying there, you weren’t even touching yourself.”

“Oh…” said Chrissy. “I guess I thought you would jump in, Natasha.”

“You’re such a pillow princess!” Natasha laughed. “Seriously though, I’ll jump in and get you off, don’t worry. But first, I want to show you something else. Remember I said I brought a few special things today? Well, the Sex Magick book was one. Let me show you the others.” Reaching back into her messenger bag, Natasha pulled out a giant purple dildo and leather strap-on harness.

“Oh!!” Chrissy said, her hand flying to her lips again.

“Oh,” said Matt, his ghost eyes bulging. “Wait, so…if I inhabit your body with you…does that mean I’ll get…we’ll get…Ohhh!”

Natasha grinned devilishly. “Would Matt like to know what it’s like to get fucked in your pussy by a giant dick?”

“Um…um…yes?” Matt said, and Chrissy detected both hesitation and intrigue in his voice.

“Yes!” Chrissy declared decisively. “You’ll love it, Matty, I promise.”

Spreading her legs, Chrissy prepared to take the huge dildo while repeating the chant. After strapping into her harness, Natasha kneeled over Chrissy. The unusually large silicone cock bobbed and bounced with her movements in kind of an intimidating way.

“Wow, Natasha,” Chrissy said, “what a huge dick you’ve got.”

“His name is Iggy Cock,” Natasha said with a wink. “His balls are called The Stooges. Ready?”

“Ready!” Chrissy responded eagerly.

“Um…ready I guess,” Matt said nervously.

Natasha added some lube to the giant purple cock and began by rubbing its tip along Chrissy’s splayed pussy lips. “Begin the chant,” she instructed.

Once again, Chrissy closed her eyes (for whatever reason, that just felt right for a spell) and repeated the incantation: “I am open, enter me, share my pleasure.”

Iggy Cock slipped into Chrissy’s pussy, filling her up with its massive girth, and she moaned at the sensation.

“Don’t forget to repeat the chant two more times while I fuck you,” Natasha said breathily as she pumped her tool into Chrissy.

“I am open, enter me, share my pleasure.”

Natasha picked up speed and reached a hand down to rub circles against Chrissy’s engorged clit.

“Ohhhh,” Chrissy moaned. “I am open! Enter me! Share my pleasure!”

As she came, Chrissy felt as if her body were being lifted off the bed, but she knew that wasn’t possible, for she felt the bedsheet clutched in her nails.

“Cinnamon…” Matt said wistfully. “Cinnamon and amber. I smell it! It’s that perfume you used to wear that I loved so much. This is wild, I can actually smell it!”

Chrissy’s eyes snapped open. “He smells my perfume, Natasha! It’s working!”

Natasha’s eyes sparkled above her. She, too, looked shocked and excited that the ritual was actually working. Plunging her dick deeper inside, Natasha laughed maniacally. “How does it feel to get fucked in your pussy, Matt?”

Together in one body, Chrissy and Matt were rocked and railed. They were pushed with such force that their head fell over the side of the bed. As the pleasure flowed to every nerve ending of their united body, their knees spread further apart and deep, guttural moans poured from their throats.

Chrissy felt Matt inside her — not merely Iggy Cock, but actually Matt. She felt his spirit intertwine with her own, like their very souls were embracing. She knew, without asking, that he was experiencing the same sensations she was. Together, the walls of their pussy contracted around the dildo thundering inside them. Together, their skin was set aflame as Natasha increased the pressure against their clit. And when the fuse of orgasm was lit, together they felt a surge of electricity erupt from their groin and spread across the grid of their body, causing a momentary blackout of consciousness for them both.

When Chrissy came back into her senses, she blinked her eyes open. “That was amazing! And I think he’s still inside me. I kind of like sharing my body.”

“Holy fucking fuck,” Matt panted. “Getting fucked in your pussy is fucking awesome!”

Chrissy giggled again. “Matt seems to have enjoyed that too,” she told Natasha.

“Every man should get to experience a good pussy fucking,” Natasha commented. “Maybe they’d be less angry and aggressive all the time. Definitely there’s be fewer wars.”

“Can we do that again??” Matt asked excitedly.

“Matt’s ready to go again,” Chrissy said, laughing.

“I’ll bet he is. But that’s good, because I have another idea in mind. Would Matt like to try entering my body this time?”

“Hell yeah.”

“He says ‘hell yeah.’”

“I like that enthusiasm,” Natasha said. “But we need to do another spell to get him out of you and into me. They’re different, but they kind of work together. He can’t just jump out. We put him in there, so we have to get him out.”

From her bag, she pulled out three blackbird tail feathers and a small pouch. She sprinkled dust from the pouch over Chrissy’s body, then waved the feathers in the air. Now you have to repeat another chant, the reverse: “I am open…leave me, Spirit. Leave me with my pleasure.”

Chrissy repeated the chant Natasha had given her. “I am open…leave me, Spirit. Leave me with my pleasure.”

Then, “Matt?” Chrissy called. “Are you there, Matt? Where are you?”

“Two more times, Sweetie,” Natasha said. Chrissy rolled her eyes, but chanted again. “I am open…leave me, Spirit. Leave me with my pleasure. I am open…leave me, Spirit. Leave me with my pleasure.”

“Right here, my Love,” Matt answered back. “I’m right here, by your side.”

Chrissy turned her head and saw her husband again, standing beside the bed with a huge grin on his face.

“What’s so funny,” Chrissy asked.

“This is all pretty kinky, if you ask me,” Matt replied. “But I’m having a great time.”

“Is he out?” Natasha asked. “Can you see him?”

“I’m right here,” Matt answered. “What’s next?”

“He’s here, right beside me,” Chrissy said. “He wants to know what’s next.”

Natasha reached back into her bag, feeling around for something else. “I hope Matt can keep his mind — and other parts — open for this bit.” From the bag she pulled out a different dildo — this one much smaller. It was marbled pink and blue and had glitter flecks all over it.

“How cute!” Chrissy cheered.

“This one is named Lou Rod,” Natasha explained. “And his balls are the Velvet Underground.”

Matt laughed. “Well well well, I guess Natasha can dish out a huge cock but she can’t take one herself.”

“Matt’s feeling very pleased with himself that he can take a dick as big as Iggy Cock in his — well, my — pussy.”

“This smaller dildo isn’t for pussies,” Natasha corrected, the devilish smile spreading across her face again. “When Matt’s spirit enters my body, you’re going to enter me with Lou Rod — in my ass.”

Matt’s ghost eyes bulged and his mouth hung silently open.

Chrissy blushed a fierce red. “You want me to…fuck you — and Matt — in the ass?”

“That’s right.”

“Matty, are you game?”

“I…I…” Matt stammered, “I guess I’ll try anything once.”

“You’re dead, Matt,” Natasha said. “This won’t hurt a bit.”

Chrissy jumped to her knees and started helping Natasha unfasten the harness so that she could put it on and affix Lou Rod to it. Once it was snuggly on, Chrissy glanced over at a mirror and caught her reflection.

“I look good with a dick,” she commented. “Even if yours is much bigger.”

“You look incredible,” Natasha agreed. “And size isn’t everything.”

“You look beautiful with a cock, Darling,” Matt whispered into Chrissy’s ear.

“Now, lube up Lou Rod,” Natasha instructed as she rolled her panties off her legs. “I’ll get on all fours here on the bed, facing north, and spread my ass cheeks. When I start chanting you can enter me. Start off slow and gentle. Once I’m — we’re — warmed up, you can go a little harder and faster.”

“I’m nervous,” Matt gulped.

“I’ll take good care of you,” Chrissy assured.

Propping herself on her hands and knees, Natasha preened her asshole toward Chrissy. “I am open,” she began the chant, “enter me, share my pleasure.”

Slowly, gently, Chrissy inserted the tip of Lou Rod into Natasha’s tight little asshole.

“Mmmmm,” Natasha purred. “I am open, enter me, share my pleasure.”

Chrissy then slid Lou Rod’s shaft inside Natasha, and with the ease of lube it glided in and out.

“Ohhhh,” Natasha groaned. “I am open! Enter me! Share my pleasure!”

Plunging her cock deep inside, Chrissy silently hoped that Matt would be able to experience her fucking him. They had never tried pegging when he was alive, and Chrissy desperately wanted to do everything with Matt. It would be so wonderful, she thought, if death could be a pathway, rather than a barrier, to sharing new experiences with her beloved.

Natasha’s moans were getting louder, but all of a sudden they stopped. Whipping her head around to look at Chrissy, she cried out in a voice much deeper than her own, “I’m here! It’s me, Matt. Keep fucking my ass!”

There was something a little creepy and exorcismy about the way Natasha’s head spun around and spoke in a baritone voice. But rather than deter Chrissy, it brought her deeper into the moment. Chrissy watched as the ass before her became possessed by her late husband, and she felt her own cunt respond. As she pumped the cock in and out, she thought about how magical it was to be able to give bodily pleasure to Matt’s bodiless spirit. The universe was full of surprises!

Taking control of the thrusting, Natasha rocked her hips back and forth along Lou Rod as she fingered her clit. Chrissy watched with delight as Natasha’s body, filled with Matt’s spirit, trembled with each fresh pump. Natasha and Matt’s synchronized moans filled Chrissy’s ears, and before she knew it she was moaning along with them. As the heart-shaped ass backed into her abdomen, then slid out along the shaft, then back into her, and as the base of Lou Rod bumped against her pussy, Chrissy felt the beginnings of an orgasm kindle inside her.

It did not take long for all three of them to cum simultaneously. There were arms and legs everywhere. Screams of joy filled the room, Matt’s the loudest, though only Chrissy could hear him.

“Jesus, Chrissy,” Matt gasped. “I had no idea. That was incredible. I can’t wait till next time.”

“Easy, soldier,” Chrissy said, her breathing slowly returning to normal. “That’s not gonna happen every time we do this. I mean, it was cool and all, but I’d rather be the receiver than the giver, if you know what I mean.”

“Natasha’s right, you are a pillow princess,” Matt chided.

“You know, Chrissy,” Natasha said, “you know when I was going down on you earlier? Just you and me? I can make it so we can all get to do it like that, all the time.”

“You can..what?? How would you do that?” Chrissy asked.

“Simple. By not letting Matt leave by body. By keeping him inside me.”

“Wait a minute,” Matt cried. “Do I get a vote here? I mean, you’re talking possession.”

Chrissy nodded in Natasha’s direction. “Sounds pretty cool to me. He asked if that was anything like you being possessed.”

“Well, yeah, sure,” Natasha answered. “Call it possession. Only it’s me possessing him, not the other way around.”

“But…but…” Matt sputtered.

“I mean, think about it, big boy,” Natasha said toward Matt’s general direction, “I could masturbate, and you’d get a thrill too.”

“Wait,” Chrissy said. “I have an idea. Nat, you could dump that hovel you’ve complained about living in and move in here with me. With us. Then we’d all be together, all the time. Except when you’re working in the shop, of course. But Matt’s a good salesperson, he could help you out.”

“I don’t know, Chrissy. I have other friends, you know. I have a life outside of you and this…ghost.”

“They could come over too,” Chrissy said. “I wouldn’t mind that. It’s kind of lonely around here now, just me and my ghost. There’s only so much masturbating I can do.”

“Okay, I’ll think about it. We’re talking about a major life change for me.”

“Wouldn’t keeping Matt inside you be a major life change? I mean, he’s my ghost, not yours.”

“Um…I’m still here, you guys,” Matt interrupted. “Is anyone thinking about me right now?”

“Shut up!” the two girls replied in unison. “We’re trying to figure something out,” Chrissy said to Matt.

“I feel like I’m getting fucked here…pun intended.”

“Can’t we just try it out for a while, Matty?” Chrissy pleaded sweetly. “It’s like reincarnation, but sluttier.”

“You’d be lucky to inhabit this body,” Natasha said, stroking herself. “You’d be a fool to pass on such a golden opportunity.” Sliding her finger into her pussy, she began playing with herself.

“Oooooh, ohhhh…” Matt said with surprise. “That…that feels quite nice. You make a compelling argument, Natasha.”

Natasha pulled her finger out and slipped it into Chrissy’s mouth.

“Mmmmm…” Chrissy purred. “You taste delicious.”

Coyly, Natasha pushed Chrissy onto her back and hopped on top, backwards, so that her heart-shaped ass was perched at Chrissy’s face. Natasha then lapped her tongue against Chrissy’s slit, and, picking up on what to do, Chrissy did the same to Natasha.

“Oh fuck yeah,” said Matt. “I’m in. I’m all in!”

“What’s sixty-nine called when there’s a third?” Chrissy joked, pulling her face away from Natasha’s pussy just long enough to ask the question before quickly resubmerging her face.

“This feels like a six-six-six,” Natasha quipped, “the devil’s number.”

“Stop talking and eat our pussies, you two!” Matt insisted. “I think I’m going to like this…”

“I think I’m going to love this,” Chrissy mumbled, her face buried in Natasha’s cunt.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this story, please clap 50 times, highlight bits you liked, and leave comments. Part V coming soon!

ᥫ᭡ XOXO, H.A.L. & Simone ᥫ᭡



Simone de Boudoir
Wylde Erotic Cravings

🥀 Multi-media erotica that's dark, feminist, pansexual, and often about vampires, nuns, & strippers 🔞