X21 Digital and Arker Partnership

Fred D
X21 Digital
Published in
3 min readDec 10, 2021

X21 Digital would like to shine a spotlight on Arker, a highly anticipated online strategy game with play-to-earn features that allows gamers to be rewarded with in-game tokens as they progress throughout the game.

Arker is the first play-to earn game that offers players the ability to control both a hero and a pet. Each hero and their pet companion possess special powers and unique features which improve over the course of the game as they gain experience points in the numerous character narratives.


The Kingdom of Ohm

Within the Arker game is a realm known as the Kingdom of Ohm. It is a turn-based game where each character has their own set of advantages and disadvantages in terms of unique abilities.

There are three types of character groups in the kingdom of Ohm, each with their own unique talents and respected storylines. In order to earn ARKER, the native currency, a player must constantly train their heroes in order to improve their abilities. Improvements lead to level up which result in equipping characters with enhanced abilities. Below you will find the 3 character clans in the kingdom of Ohm.

  • Berserker: Are powerful warriors that are as strong as animals. They are used to fighting half-naked while carrying bloody shields and will not hesitate to bite their enemies when given the chance.
  • Alchemist: Are cult and intelligent investigators, studious of the old protocience doctrines. They spend most of their time working in their basements where they study ancient books and scrolls.
  • Izarian: Are recognized for their incredible physical prowess and acrobatics as well as their amazing mimetic capacities. They use light and curved blades which perfect for attacking.

Within the realm of Ohm, Arker will construct a 3D metaverse in the near future. Each participant will be able to completely customize their own settlements as well as their respected equipment. The mining lands are another essential part of the Ohm metaverse. Arker mining lands will allow users to earn Arker tokens by validating transactions.

About Arker

Arker is the first multiplayer online strategy game to offers players the opportunity to recruit characters along with their own unique companion pets. Each hero has their own set of skills that must be cultivated through in-game engagements.

About X21 Digital

X21 Digital is one of the leading blockchain advisory and investment firms involved in developing promising startups. The team has advised and invested in several prestigious blockchain companies.

Useful Links

X21 Digital
Website: https://x21digital.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/X21_Digital
Medium: https://medium.com/x21-digital

Website: https://playarker.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkerCommunity
Telegram: https://t.me/ArkerCommunity
Medium: https://medium.com/@arker-official

