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Celebrating !!Con 2018 Not with a Whimper, but a Bang

This post is written by Adriana Chavez, a writer for AppNexus and former AppNexus Girls Who Code student. When not writing or coding, she can be found reading literary fiction or walking her rescue dog in the streets of New York.

Weird Android bug

The AppNexus Mobile Advertising SDK provides developers a fast and convenient way to monetize their apps. It’s a well documented and throughly tested open-source code with direct engineering support. While implementing the Android native ad solution, I ran across a puzzling issue that I’d like to…

The scredis Driver Malfunctions in Pathological Environments

We experienced a recent outage here at AppNexus surrounding an ephemeral user session store. This is a story of how visibly correct code can still fail in unexpected ways.

Pyrobuf — A faster Python Protobuf library written in Cython

Pyrobuf is an alternative to Google’s Python Protobuf library that is written in Cython and that offers better performance (roughly 1.5–2x faster), Python 3 support, and simple serialization/deserialization to JSON and native…