xTiles Helps You Do these Tasks Faster

Lesia Dubenko
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2021

And better ;)

xTiles’ beauty lies in versatility

Customizable cards, organized canvas, and astonishingly easy onboarding.

Who would not want to try out a tool like that?

Being a versatile app with a clear focus, xTiles offers plenty of use cases. In this article, we elucidate the most universal and indispensable ones, — regardless of which line of work you are in. And we are happy to explain how xTiles can you help make the most out of them.

Research is king

Whether you are doing a degree, analyzing current market trends, or researching your next article or book, you need a tool that makes your life an iota easier. Creating tables in Microsoft Word or Google Docs to break down findings is, arguably, no one’s idea of an easy life. Excel’s formatting, which gets out of hand the moment you type in different volumes of text in each cell, is even a more dubious choice.

Enter xTiles’ customizable cards.

Organizing research is challenging. But xTiles is here to make your life easier

Enrooted in the Zettelkasten Method, the cards are much smaller and more flexible compared to the traditional A4 document. These properties make them perfect for creating themes and categories.

Feel free to expand them, write down bullet points, highlight information, embed links, and add pics. Those with a visual mindset will definitely appreciate the color palette that the tool offers. While those who value structure will love sub-pages that preclude your document from becoming a mess.

Here is an example.

Say you created a document where you break your data into different themes. To collect it, you have most likely used a questionnaire or an interview template.

So, where do you store these indispensable documents?

Well, you can create a separate file for that. Alternatively, you can try and place it inside the file where you store all your data, turning it into a monster document.

xTiles sub-pages ensure that your documents stay neat and structured at all times.

All you have to do is choose a sentence or a word and hyperlink it to a dedicated page within the same document. Trust us, switching between them is significantly easier. It is a true timesaver.

Completing joint projects

Working together is daunting. Not only do you need to organize the workflow, but you must also ensure that everyone is on the same page (at times literally). Going back and forth between apps is time-consuming and annoying, mildly put. It also undermines your focus and productivity.

You need a single go-to source for all project team members, and xTiles is your perfect solution.

We have made a simple and visual interface that allows you to store and share information with others in a profoundly new way.

xTiles helps your team understand each other better

Imagine you are authoring the typical Google Docs file that you are planning to share with others. Usually, you start by throwing random text on the paper, hoping that you will make some sense of it later. You will — that goes without saying.

But how much time will it take you to tidy it all up, structure and format it?

xTiles renders this question rhetorical. It allows you to create customizable, easy-to-move cards, making a smaller and more visualized piece than Google Docs. The beauty of this document is that you save time on formatting documents to make them understandable for everyone. It also incentivizes everyone to be concise since cards provide you less space for superfluity.

But do not worry: You will not have to leave out information that is critical for your project. The cards allow you to store as much data as you need inside without turning the whole thing into a mess. All thanks to the deep-dive feature, which also helps you to save space.

The typical pitch deck is around 10–12 slides long. In xTiles, the same volume of information in an eye-friendly font is available on a single page.

With everyone receiving clear and structured documents, your team is bound to reach a consensus and get things done faster.

And that is exactly what we are aiming for.

Planning mind-blowing texts

Good plans are critical. Copywriters and journalists need them to write mind-blowing articles. Meanwhile, students require a tool to structure their midterm papers and theses.

xTiles gives you a unique way of planning your texts and projects. Its canvas serves as a space for arranging easily customizable cards.

Try to write your plan in xTiles. It is amazingly easy

This approach dramatically differs from linear planning. First, it helps your mind think broadly.

No human can write perfect linear plans from scratch. Our mind needs time to crystallize thoughts. Cards are more suitable for that than the traditional A4 piece of paper.

Second, the cards are customizable, meaning that you are essentially drawing a table on your screen. Not only is it satisfying, both functionally and visually, compared to the traditional Word and Google Docs, but it also helps you write takeaways in each card. Later on, it will be easier to turn them into a coherent text.

Likewise, you can use xTiles to plan your private affairs or daily tasks. For example, many of our early adopters have used it for planning their trips abroad and workflows.

While research, joint projects, and planning are all crucial use cases, they are just a peep of what you can do in xTiles. Being inherently simple, the tool offers plenty of versatility and visualization.

We are continuously refining its functionality to cater to our audiences, bringing more use cases that we will elaborate on in our next articles.

Stay tuned and follow the link to register for free.

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Lesia Dubenko
Writer for

Analyst/fundraiser/curious cat. Msc European Affairs (Lund University). Authored and co-authored successful project proposals worth $200K. Love to write.