This Week at XYO: Topping the Charts

Johnny Kolasinski
XYO Network
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2018

Hi folks!

It’s been a HUGE week here at XYO! This week we’ve made some major announcements and have hit some significant milestones. Here’s what you might have missed.

XYO Breaks into Coinmarketcap’s Top 100

Thanks in part to the abundance of news this week, the XYO Token hit Coinmarketcap’s top 100 listing for the first time! As of Tuesday morning, we’re in their top 120 — a big jump from our spot in the “top 1500” in June!

Announcing the XYO Improvement Proposals (XIP) Process

From the beginning, we’ve been focused on our community of developers, investors, and token hodlers. Your feedback and suggestions are constant sources of guidance and inspiration. This week, Scott launched the “XYO Improvement Proposals” platform on our community page — it’s a transparent way for anyone to formally suggest a change or update. Take a look at!

Founding Hodler Registry (FHR) Draft Released

As the first XIP, we released the draft of the Founding Hodler Registry, a list of supporters from our token sale and Gamma Sale. Check it out on our community page!

XYO Goes Live on LATOKEN

XYO is on its first top 50 exchange, LATOKEN! This means that for the first time, you can purchase XYO using Bitcoin or Tether. It also allows almost anyone in the US to purchase XYO. There will be more exchange announcements very soon!

XYO and LEI: Delivering Trust to the Financial Markets

We’re working with, a company that provides identity verification for businesses that buy, sell, or trade on financial markets. Conclusively identifying these legal entities adds transparency can help prevent the sort of issues that led to the 2008 recession.

Elsewhere on the Blockchain

Massachusetts General Hospital Explores Blockchain Solutions

Researchers at one of the biggest hospitals in the US are working with a Korean blockchain startup to securely store and share patient data on the blockchain.

German Businesses Call Blockchain “As Revolutionary as the Internet”

More than a third of German big businesses consider blockchain technology, along with AI and the Internet of Things, to be an area with “tremendous potential.”

Stay tuned for some more big news coming this week — sign up for our email list below!

Johnny Kolasinski
Head of Community
XYO Network

