Updates from the Dev Cave: Building Out Network Components

Johnny Kolasinski
XYO Network
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2018

Dear devs and XYO Tech Fans,

It’s been another big week on the XYO Dev front, mostly building off of our successful launch of the XYO testnet earlier this month. Here’s what the team’s been up to this week — thanks to XYO Network Project Manager Justin Fortier for helping put this all together!

We’ve released the XYO Network Android App Internal Beta

We’ve expanded our test network by releasing an internal beta of our Android XYO Network App to more than 30 employee devices. This app allows a device to function as a Sentinel and a Bridge. We’re currently seeing some fantastic results. Look for more news on this before Spatial!

We’ve captured thousands of Bound Witness Interactions

Whenever XYO Network components interact, they log this interaction using our Bound Witness Protocol. We’ve now pushed thousands of blocks to our test Archivists and achieved 100% network uptime over the last 48 hours. This is a testament to the upfront planning and execution of our brilliant engineers.

We’ve released our Archivist SDK

Last week, we pushed out the Software Development Kit (SDK) for XYO Network Archivist nodes. These are the components that catalog and store all Bound Witness Interactions. You can get the latest version on GitHub.

We’ve enabled DNS-based peer discovery for Archivists

We have deployed three test archivists and set up DNS-based peer discovery. In other words, there is now a single entry point for Bridges, Diviners, and Archivists to discover other Archivist nodes on the network to connect to. Our original test net required all devices to know each other’s explicit IP.

We’ve made improvements to the Diviner interface

We have a portal set up to query the test network and provide a more user-friendly visualization of all of the nodes on the test net

We’ve deployed the XYO Network for Android Things

We have successfully deployed test bridges built on Raspberry Pis. These devices will eventually make their way into future Mining Kits slated for release in December.

As always, thanks for all the support. Keep an eye out for more tech updates in the lead-up to Spatial in November.

Johnny Kolasinski
Head of Community
XYO Network

