XYO Q3 Review: A Look Back at a BIG Quarter

XYO Network
Published in
7 min readOct 21, 2023
XYO Q3 2023: A Look Back

What a ride! XYO’s Q3 was a fiscal quarter to remember, and that’s precisely what we’re here to do.

We’ll dive into XYO’s Q3 milestones in growth, applications, and open-source development. We’ll also discuss how these developments tie into the three core concepts that define XYO’s trajectory and future — sovereignty, provenance, and permanence.

In 2023, we’ve introduced you to the importance of data sovereignty, to ensure people retain control over their digital lives, and indeed, the data that defines who they are in the digital age. We’ve also confronted the issue of illusory permanence, and with our biggest software launch all year — Foreventory — we’ve taken the first steps to helping XYO users achieve true data permanence.

And there’s even more we’ve been up to. XYO’s founders, Arie Trouw and Markus Levin, have delved deeper into thought leadership than ever before, providing expert commentary for major publications ranging from Cointelegraph to Nasdaq, and many more. They also continue to make strides in service of the long-term health of XYO’s software, network, and token.

The year, of course, is far from over. Stay tuned for our updated Q4 Roadmap and the high-level view of our 2024 Roadmap, coming soon!

Now, let’s look back at some of the coolest things we’ve done and experienced all year.

Foreventory Launched

Q3 kicked off with a roar and the launch of our newest software product, Foreventory! We launched with a data analytics tool that can be used for your Netflix account, analyzing how much use and value you’re getting out of it.

Not only can Foreventory show users like you how much value you’re getting out of your Netflix account overall, it can also show you how much each profile is using it, explore which shows your family likes most, or if you’re feeling competitive, duel profiles against one another. Foreventory even lets you dive deep to analyze everything about your watching habits. Whether you just want an at-a-glance tool or you want to feed your inner data nerd, Foreventory can help.

This incredibly powerful, easy-to-use tool is free. Here’s how to try it.

Netflix analytics, of course, is just the first tool to become available for Foreventory users. Keep reading, more on that in a bit.

Is 2023 the year we’re able to take control of our data?

Preview of the article on Cointelegraph.

Later in July, the CEO of XY Labs, Arie Trouw, published a new piece for Cointelegraph Innovation Circle entitled, “Is 2023 the year we’re able to take control of our data?” This thorough and insightful piece gave readers a primer on how to think about data sovereignty, and why it should be on everyone’s mind. He also shared his thoughts on the possible directions for data sovereignty in the future, both good and bad, with instruction on how we, as users, can steer things in the right direction. Learn more about data sovereignty here.

The Data Pipeline and the Power of Knowledge

At the end of July, we explained how Arie’s vision of data sovereignty ties in with Foreventory. We covered why accessing your own data is important, and why being able to make data human-readable is critical to understanding it. We also delved into how to get your hands on the data you rightfully own, and leverage it for your own benefit.

XYO Token Rally

XYO’s August turned out to be, well, august, and began with a proper altcoin summer rally for the XYO token. It brought a lot of new eyes to XYO and we made sure new fans were properly introduced to our project and our vision.

Foreventory Web3 & NFT Features Enter Alpha

Next, our development team launched into the upcoming phase for Foreventory — its much-anticipated web3 features. The first of these will be a Rate My NFTs tool (this is the working title and may not be final), which will allow users to obtain individual quality ratings for NFTs across a number of popular blockchains, or rate a collection in any given wallet or gallery using a sample of the NFTs inside. Quality ratings are based on transparent criteria and each of these criteria are laid out in a breakdown of the overall rating of each NFT.

This feature is currently in the alpha phase of testing. Public beta testing will follow — be sure to stay tuned to XYO’s social media for updates!

XY Labs Summer Meeting

XY Labs has been a remote team since Spring of 2020, when COVID lockdowns coincided with the expiration of our lease on our beautiful, and much beloved, downtown San Diego office. We embraced a new way of working, and it opened new horizons for our team. The core XY Labs team now spans across the country, with partners and contractors around the world.

Blue beach towel with XYO World graphics and the XY Labs logo and name laid out on a stonework bench with an embedded Spanish-style fountain. A yellow cocktail in a plastic cup sits on the towel.

This summer we decided to meet up with one another in XYO’s hometown of San Diego. After a wonderful dinner at one of the city’s legendary microbreweries, Arie explained his vision for XYO and its future to the core XY Labs team. The next day, he treated the team to gourmet tacos and a pool party at his beautiful home where we got to truly feel like a team. (Although some of the code nerds among us could not be stopped from working while we were there. We tried.)

Our minds refreshed, we got back to work.

Ongoing SDK Updates

Everything XYO does is built on the XYO SDKs. Software Development Kits are the fundamental code which links one project to another, that allow a project to be built on and into XYO. SDKs are the code that defines what XYO is.

One of the benefits of building software products like Foreventory with our SDKs is shining a light on how our SDKs can be improved. This is behind the scenes work that’s absolutely necessary to the ongoing health and success of XYO.

This has become a major focus of XYO’s 2023 Q3. It’s imperative that the software we release — and that our partners release — be the best we can make it, and always in the process of improvement. With that in mind, back-end performance improvements, bug fixes, and stabilizations have been rolling out almost daily throughout XYO’s early autumn.

Public XYO SDKs:

Public XY Labs SDKs:

You’ll find documentation for XYO’s open-source platform here. While you’ll find much to learn already available, these documents are updated regularly and more documentation will become available over time.

Australian Crypto Convention

Meanwhile, XYO’s other co-founder, Markus Levin, who burns the midnight oil as the Head of Operations for XY Labs, has been hard at work ensuring the health of our business and token. Our friends at Australian Crypto Convention naturally asked him to be one of their guest speakers in Melbourne this year. Not only that, but we were asked to invite ten (ten!) lucky Aussie fans to join us there.

XYO and COIN superfan, Eric, was the very deserving winner of our first giveaway, then we decided to put our heads together with the COIN team and invite only the very best geominers in Victoria (the state where Melbourne is located) to join Markus at the convention in November!

XYO Runs on Optimism

To round out Q3, XYO did one of the things that’s been most requested by the community for years. The XYO token finally made the leap to Layer 2, alleviating the high gas prices and congestion that come with using Ethereum, by adding XYO to the OP Mainnet.

We finished the planning, work, and testing at the very end of Q3, and announced this leap forward to the public as our opening improvement of Q4.

Optimism bundles Ethereum transactions, allowing for faster transactions with much smaller gas fees. It’s easy to get started trading using Uniswap! You’ll find full instructions in our announcement.

Now that we’ve wrapped up XYO’s Q3 for you, hopefully we’ve left you hungry for more. Not to worry, our detailed and updated Q4 roadmap is on the way, followed by our high-level 2024 roadmap, so you can see where all the work we’ve done in 2023 is headed.

XYO posts every day to X, Facebook, and Instagram. You’ll find our latest updates on your favorite:

Ready to join the XYO community? Jump into Discord, Reddit, or Telegram!

And don’t miss the news from the man, himself, Arie Trouw, CEO of XY Labs! When a really big development hits, he’ll usually be the first to tell the community, so be sure to follow him on X.

We thank you for joining us on this amazing ride called XYO! We deeply appreciate those of you who support us, share us with your friends and family, and make up our incredible community.

Stay tuned for our Q4 and 2024 plans — coming soon!



XYO Network

XYO's sovereignty protocol, modular platform, and Proof-Of-Origin Blockchain propel businesses into a new era of unparalleled decentralized efficiency.