Go to Le Laptop
Le Laptop
Fondé en 2012 par Pauline Thomas, Le Laptop a accompagné plus de 3000 personnes dans leur évolution professionnelle.
Note from the editor

Fondé en 2012 par Pauline Thomas, Le Laptop a accompagné plus de 3000 personnes dans leur évolution professionnelle.

Go to the profile of Le Laptop
Le Laptop
Go to the profile of Samuel Rousselier
Go to the profile of Pauline Thomas
Pauline Thomas
Designer / Founder of Le Laptop / Sprint master / Author / Artist
Go to the profile of Samuel Rousselier
Go to the profile of Tomomi Sasaki
Tomomi Sasaki
Strategic design, user experience and conversations.
Go to the profile of Virginie Lombard
Virginie Lombard
Digital Project Manager @HECParisExecEd #education #Digital Transformation #edtech #Digitallearning #Highereducation - Photography Affectionata
Go to the profile of Guy Weston-Smith
Go to the profile of Anne Landréat
Go to the profile of Joel S
Joel S
Graphic Designer / UI Designer and Photographer working between New York, Paris, Strasbourg and Tel Aviv
Go to the profile of Sebastien Bonneval
Sebastien Bonneval
UX nerd / Product geek / Nomad freak
Go to the profile of Rémi Rivas
Rémi Rivas
I activate user centric innovation in organizations to design services & experiences | Cofounder @IGKDOM & @Design_Alumni | Ignited-kingdom.com | remirivas.com
Go to the profile of Laurence Body
Laurence Body
#CX #CEM thinker & doer I Author I Speaker I Thought leader I Helps to deliver #wow w/ ethics & guide change #designthinking #experienceclient @livre_expclient
Go to the profile of Pauline Thomas
Pauline Thomas
Designer / Founder of Le Laptop / Sprint master / Author / Artist
Go to the profile of Enterprise Design Associates
Enterprise Design Associates
We help our clients shaping their future, by enabling complex enterprises to have better relationships and deliver on their promise. www.enterprisedesign.io
Go to the profile of lionel Sarrue
Go to the profile of Alexandre Simon
Alexandre Simon
Alexandre is the Hiveworks Paris Design Director. He design interface, the contact point between people, program, process or system.
Go to the profile of Mathias Arlot
Mathias Arlot
Facilitateur avec la méthode LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Certifié / Lead UX Designer — Formateur — Résident au Laptop
Go to the profile of anne landréat
Go to the profile of vincent dromer
vincent dromer
Design Thinking @klap_io #Paris
Go to the profile of Gladys Diandoki
Gladys Diandoki
I’m a UX writer interested by people, human centered and systemic experiences.
Go to the profile of Manila Vanisaveth
Manila Vanisaveth
I’m a UX enthusiast : strategist, researcher, designer
Go to the profile of Kassandra
I talk a lot and it’s mostly nonsense. My hobbies include books, writing, innovation, tech, feminism, politics, video games and cats. FR/EN