Go to Yabberz
In 2014 Melissa and Mike Horton launched the Yabberz community as a unique platform for the free flowing discussion of a variety of ideas on a site designed to promote troll-free interaction. The Yabberz Gnome represents our efforts to counter Trolls of all kinds.
Note from the editor

In 2014 Melissa and Mike Horton launched the Yabberz community as a unique platform for the free flowing discussion of a variety of ideas on a site designed to promote troll-free interaction. The Yabberz Gnome represents our efforts to counter Trolls of all kinds.

Go to the profile of Mike Horton
Mike Horton
GNSS, IMU, and Sensors
Go to the profile of Yabberz Admin
Yabberz Admin
Administration Moderation Account of Yabberz
Go to the profile of MurphtheSurf3
A political/social blogger since 2000. GOP from 1969 to 2004 when I walked away from a Party that I could no longer recognize. A Progressive who loves dialogue.
Go to the profile of Cat Ladner
Cat Ladner
Formerly a Pundit on Yabberz One (as opie,) I am enjoying reading and communicating with members of Medium.
Go to the profile of Mike Pope
Mike Pope
I don't know much about much. But I've got a lot to say!
Go to the profile of Rashaad Hadee
Go to the profile of Kevin McDaid
Kevin McDaid
In my view the single greatest threat to humanity is the rise of the hateful rhetoric of the Right Wing. I’m here to call it out. https://twitter.com/TheRedExit
Go to the profile of Ray Cunneff
Go to the profile of Stuart Pollock
Go to the profile of Amalek the Goatherder
Amalek the Goatherder
I began my career with five years as a taster in a rendering plant in Minnesota, followed by two years as a fluffer in the entertainment industry in California.
Go to the profile of Ghostolini
Politicians are about screaming yes loudly at the people while covering the least amount of issues as possible. With a pillow, until it stops moving.
Go to the profile of Christine Zook
Go to the profile of Kimboak Benham
Kimboak Benham
Authentic, black, and southern. An artist at heart. Sharing laughs, thoughts, ideas and harsh truths about life and America — online — since 2002.
Go to the profile of Douglas Sabbag
Douglas Sabbag
From Boston, living in Fort Lauderdale — love to SAIL ! Computer Consultant, Sailboat Chartering Enterprise, published: Rebuilding the United States.
Go to the profile of Pamela Hughes
Pamela Hughes
Born in Omaha Ne in 1950, degree in computer science and geology. Retired software engineer.
Go to the profile of JacklynD
Political junkie with a sense of humor and strong sense of purpose.
Go to the profile of Bill Samuel
Go to the profile of Marinus Kruissen
Marinus Kruissen
Reader, writer, journalist
Go to the profile of Catyana Cudd
Go to the profile of kimtek
Go to the profile of Dahlia Swan
Go to the profile of Denice Patrick
Go to the profile of Gilda Morkert
Go to the profile of Lizzeee
I came to Medium from the land of message boards. I love to read as much as I love to write.
Go to the profile of Joel Collett
Go to the profile of Gayle K
Gayle K
Liberal (mostly), stuck in the red deep South. Mostly friendly, love cats, books, politics and cheese. With crackers. Anything else, ask.
Go to the profile of Timothy A. Wilson
Timothy A. Wilson
I am a son, husband, father, grandfather. Have retired from my coaching business. My focus is on learning to be a better writer here at Medium.
Go to the profile of Michael Leo
Go to the profile of Suz Ex Machina
Suz Ex Machina
Unflinching protagonist weaving her life into a story
Go to the profile of Anthony Pappachoppers
Go to the profile of Mike Makuakane
Mike Makuakane
Former Island boy now shivering in San Francisco. I aim to see the best in everybody’s point of view. Sometimes my aim sucks.
Go to the profile of Emma Kinev